NintendoAge -Sqooner [Homebrew] Mega Man 9 - trial version 2019-09-28T09:59:04 -05.00 Banshaku 10
Thanks! Marcelo (MCBRemake) did a great job adapting the intro to the limitation on the nes. We shouldn't forget about Tssf too, who decided to remake the complete soundtrack and make it as close to the original as possible.


Regarding the engine, since I'm using Famitracker for the soundriver then yes, it could support VRC6 without issue but Mega Man doesn't require those extra channels so right now it uses the MMC3 made by Nintendo.

As for what I means by not being able to produce carts is since I don't own the rights to the game, I cannot make carts and sell them obviously. That doesn't stop you once the rom is available to either use it on a flash cart or make your own cart for "personal/educational use" (laugh). So yes, it works on a real nes and can be used on a cart but I can't sell it: it's a fan game that show how Mega Man 9 could have been on the nes. If Capcom gets interested in the project and want to sell it then I will be more than happy to do it but I would be surprised though. ]]>
[Homebrew] Mega Man 9 - trial version 2019-09-28T00:47:17 -05.00 Banshaku 10
Also, what did you mean you won’t be able to produce a cart? I thought that if you can produce a rom file, then it should hypothetically be able to get transferred onto a cart. Can you elaborate on that?? ]]>
[Homebrew] Mega Man 9 - trial version 2019-09-28T00:41:24 -05.00 Banshaku 10 [Homebrew] Mega Man 9 - trial version 2019-09-27T12:16:41 -05.00 Banshaku 10 Originally posted by: Banshaku


Right now, the video you see are all running on the nes: logo, intro, title, menu, jukebox, selection screen and start of playing. All maps of the trial version (Concrete Man map) are already converted and working. The main goal was to make a game engine that is re-usable to make an original game in the future but for this particular project, since I'm quite busy, it to try to make to the same level as the demo that was available on ps3/wii but with the boss battle included (it was not in the demo). So at first, no, I'm no planning the complete game "but" once you have an engine working it does open the possibly of adding more stage  

@Indo / Ferris Bueller



I didn't work on that project. What I know is that the Mega Man 7/8 nes style games were done by some Japanese fan and it's a windows app. A little bit different from this project but still quite impressive the work that was done to adapt it to 8 bit style. Oh wait a minute! I thought this was a Megaman 8 remake. It’s Megaman 9! Great 👍 this is awesome

[Homebrew] Mega Man 9 - trial version 2019-09-27T11:29:12 -05.00 Banshaku 10
Right now, the video you see are all running on the nes: logo, intro, title, menu, jukebox, selection screen and start of playing. All maps of the trial version (Concrete Man map) are already converted and working. The main goal was to make a game engine that is re-usable to make an original game in the future but for this particular project, since I'm quite busy, it to try to make to the same level as the demo that was available on ps3/wii but with the boss battle included (it was not in the demo). So at first, no, I'm no planning the complete game "but" once you have an engine working it does open the possibly of adding more stage  

@Indo / Ferris Bueller



I didn't work on that project. What I know is that the Mega Man 7/8 nes style games were done by some Japanese fan and it's a windows app. A little bit different from this project but still quite impressive the work that was done to adapt it to 8 bit style. ]]>
[Homebrew] Mega Man 9 - trial version 2019-09-27T10:27:22 -05.00 Banshaku 10 [Homebrew] Mega Man 9 - trial version 2019-09-27T07:47:40 -05.00 Banshaku 10 [Homebrew] Mega Man 9 - trial version 2019-09-27T07:01:28 -05.00 Banshaku 10 [Homebrew] Mega Man 9 - trial version 2019-09-27T04:03:35 -05.00 Banshaku 10 [Homebrew] Mega Man 9 - trial version 2019-09-27T01:38:22 -05.00 Banshaku 10
The goal of this project was to make a game engine and used mm9 assets for testing (2008~2010). I had to stop working on nes programming for many years and restarted recently.

I decided to test some C code on the nes and had no project so used that one to see how well you can mix asm/c and it went more far than expected.

Here's the current status of the project. I don't know how to share video from twitter so I will put the links:

Company logos:


Title screen:



Selection screen:

Since it's a demake, obviously I won't be able to produce carts the rom will be available later.

I thought that this project may interest users on Nintendo age so I decided to create a topic about it.

Note: this is a post "in-progress" and will add more details later (I'm tired to lost my post ^-^;;; )
Note2: It seems I cannot upload more pictures at the moment (it fails to send them) so I will continue the post later. Is there a limit of files that can be attached to a message? It just fails to upload image for some reason. ]]>