NintendoAge -Sqooner "For Display Only" SNES boxes 2012-11-10T15:58:41 -05.00 soundwave925 3 "For Display Only" SNES boxes 2012-11-10T15:44:12 -05.00 soundwave925 3
Also I think these boxes were shipped out in bulk, so it makes sense that sellers would have a ton of them on hand. The majority of these are unused so it should be easy to find them in nice shape. ]]>
"For Display Only" SNES boxes 2012-11-10T14:39:08 -05.00 soundwave925 3
So I have been hunting down CIBs or box only of most of the hard to find snes games like Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Kirby Super Star, etc., and as most of you know, its not easy to find them in near mint quality without paying some kind of premium, which is a lot of money to put it lightly. Well I came across these on ebay and was wondering if anyone else here has some kind of knowledge or experience with them.

I have been contemplating on getting some of them but also very hesitent. Are they really OFFICIAL "For Display Only" boxes or are they just reproduction boxes? Sellers are claiming them to be real and have multiple copies on hand which is one reason why I'm feeling kinda sketch about the whole thing. Also the prices seem to be all over the place, $24, $34........$70!!!

Just wanted to get some more opinions before I decide to get them or not get them. Thanks for all your guys's help ]]>