NintendoAge -Sqooner How to determine the age of a NES? 2019-09-30T12:45:19 -05.00 GWRO 16 Originally posted by: sadikyo

Originally posted by: Gloves

Little known fact: if you chop it down the middle you'll actually find that it has rings going all the way around on the inside. Each ring represents roughly a year of life, so if you count the rings you should know within a 3 or so year variance how old the NES is. When people "clean" their old yellowed NES consoles there actually rubbing away the rings. This is actually damaging and research shows that it physically hurts the NES. Some have actually been recorded making tiny whimpering noises during the process, and scientists have determined that it is in fact crying.
Foochie beat you to the punch man! Look above  


Bitch I ain't reading a whole-ass thread get outta here. ]]>
How to determine the age of a NES? 2019-09-30T12:44:10 -05.00 GWRO 16 Originally posted by: Gloves

Little known fact: if you chop it down the middle you'll actually find that it has rings going all the way around on the inside. Each ring represents roughly a year of life, so if you count the rings you should know within a 3 or so year variance how old the NES is. When people "clean" their old yellowed NES consoles there actually rubbing away the rings. This is actually damaging and research shows that it physically hurts the NES. Some have actually been recorded making tiny whimpering noises during the process, and scientists have determined that it is in fact crying. Foochie beat you to the punch man! Look above  

How to determine the age of a NES? 2019-09-30T12:41:41 -05.00 GWRO 16 How to determine the age of a NES? 2019-09-30T11:52:05 -05.00 GWRO 16
But this raises an even bigger issue. You should have "an" before NES. Unless you're some whacko saying "ness".    

Jokes. But yes... shoud be "How do I determine the age of an NES." or "...age of a Nintendo (Entertainment System)"   

Originally posted by: JamesRobot
Originally posted by: GWRO

How to determine the age of a NES?

Indeed. How does one determine a NintendoAge?

Those who knew are long gone with their pockets lined with our hard work and dedication to only important NES information.  ]]>
How to determine the age of a NES? 2019-09-29T11:42:38 -05.00 GWRO 16 How to determine the age of a NES? 2019-09-29T09:01:31 -05.00 GWRO 16 How to determine the age of a NES? 2019-09-28T10:11:38 -05.00 GWRO 16 How to determine the age of a NES? 2019-09-27T23:38:17 -05.00 GWRO 16 Originally posted by: JamesRobot
Originally posted by: GWRO

How to determine the age of a NES?

Indeed. How does one determine a NintendoAge?

How to determine the age of a NES? 2019-09-27T22:41:47 -05.00 GWRO 16 How to determine the age of a NES? 2019-09-27T22:27:18 -05.00 GWRO 16 Originally posted by: GWRO

How to determine the age of a NES?

Indeed. How does one determine a NintendoAge? ]]>