NintendoAge -Sqooner e-Zine: Member Spotlight: themotherbrain 2010-04-03T12:40:13 -05.00 Dain 5 e-Zine: Member Spotlight: themotherbrain 2010-04-03T06:01:12 -05.00 Dain 5 Originally posted by: chadalleman

Aaron: I once broke up with a girl because when she got drunk, she got a lazy eye. Does that make me shallow?
Rob: Maybe, but I could never trust a woman that gets drunk and sees people on the side.

Lol that was awesome!
Haha, that never clicked with me when I first read it in the article... That HAD to have been preconceived. ]]>
e-Zine: Member Spotlight: themotherbrain 2010-04-03T05:33:57 -05.00 Dain 5 Originally posted by: chadalleman

Aaron: I once broke up with a girl because when she got drunk, she got a lazy eye. Does that make me shallow?
Rob: Maybe, but I could never trust a woman that gets drunk and sees people on the side.

Lol that was awesome!

I wish the ezine came equipped with rimshot sound effects.
e-Zine: Member Spotlight: themotherbrain 2010-04-02T23:27:52 -05.00 Dain 5 Rob: Maybe, but I could never trust a woman that gets drunk and sees people on the side.

Lol that was awesome! ]]>
e-Zine: Member Spotlight: themotherbrain 2010-04-02T06:53:24 -05.00 Dain 5
BTW, anyone who didn't sort out the 4/1 e-zine, the direct download link is here: ]]>