NintendoAge -Sqooner "Hiatus Ward 2012-12-27T17:18:53 -05.00 srndwave 39
EDIT: Ok,I managed to find it on far I'mliking it, though damn the first boss is hard. ]]>
"Hiatus Ward" new NES homebrew test, please try it out! 2012-06-24T21:21:32 -05.00 srndwave 39 "Hiatus Ward" new NES homebrew test, please try it out! 2012-06-24T17:30:51 -05.00 srndwave 39 "Hiatus Ward" new NES homebrew test, please try it out! 2012-06-23T23:55:59 -05.00 srndwave 39
Your game is pretty addicting and fun! I love how you pulled off the parallax bg, I just hope you can find more ways to "fake" more stationary objects into it, to create the illusion of a 2 layer background. It's a little obvious the parallax background is actually separate from the main background, but i'll let it go since you got plenty of time to fix that, and even if you don't I still find it cool.

Good luck with cleaning it up, I'd love to see it made into a cartridge, I would for sure buy this game! ]]>
"Hiatus Ward" new NES homebrew test, please try it out! 2012-06-16T03:23:47 -05.00 srndwave 39
A noticed a bunch of things that you might wanna know. I beat the bosses 2, 3, 4 and 6 by just mashing the shoot button. On boss 3 i jumped into a projectile making me fly higher and land in the top left corner of the screen. There i could spam shots on him.

Also it´s possible to climb a single wall by walljumping. I don´t know if that should be possible.

In the "Train Pirate" fight i just sat in the left corner and spammed shots.

Boss 2 simply died when i mashed the razor line on him.

Boss 6 did much of the same, but it kinda felt like it should be an easy boss battle.

Boss 1 was very good i think. The Banshee was a nightmare, but it was still a good NES boss-battle.

Like a said, by jumping into an enemy you can get higher up. Sequence break?

And again, thanks! I´m very happy to be a beta tester ]]>
"Hiatus Ward 2012-06-16T01:23:26 -05.00 srndwave 39 Originally posted by: Airrider

I beat the 6 bosses and took pics! Do i get to be a beta tester now?
Airrider: Yes, you are the first to post pics, so you can be my official beta tester.  Hopefully I'll be able to work on it a bit more
in the future. After I make another 5 bosses and associated levels, I'll post a second alpha after you give it a whirl. 

"Hiatus Ward 2012-06-06T13:39:34 -05.00 srndwave 39 "Hiatus Ward" new NES homebrew test, please try it out! 2012-06-06T04:09:02 -05.00 srndwave 39
Just beat boss 3. It´s really fun!

"Hiatus Ward" new NES homebrew test, please try it out! 2012-06-06T02:48:13 -05.00 srndwave 39 "Hiatus Ward" new NES homebrew test, please try it out! 2012-06-03T12:53:04 -05.00 srndwave 39
Some of the platforms blend into the objects behind them. I had an enemy jump up through what I thought was a floor on me. ]]>