NintendoAge -Sqooner List of ports of NES games on the Gameboy? 2019-10-03T16:04:03 -05.00 Ninjainspandex 30 Originally posted by: Cvisci489

I have been going through a massive list of every NES, Game boy, Game boy Color, Master System, Game Gear, and Turbo Grafx 16 titles released and comparing contrasting the different ports across those platforms. My goal is to keep games with the same names that are different enough, while getting rid of inferior ports that there really is no reason to play. It is a VERY LONG & TEDIOUS goal. I'm almost finished though! I may end up adding in Neo Geo Pocket/Color also.

Alfred Chicken on Game boy is a superior port compared to the NES release. Plays just the same and has additional levels. The NES version is actually a port of the Game Boy original.
Yes I forgot about that.  There are some games that are like the NES version but different levels, like Waynes World.  I figured that some of the really shitty late release NES games were basically 'enhanced' GB ports which is why they looks soo poor for the time.  Indy UBI, Waynes World and Cliffhanger come to mind.
List of ports of NES games on the Gameboy? 2019-10-03T00:11:13 -05.00 Ninjainspandex 30 Originally posted by: mrnomis
Originally posted by: Cvisci489

I have been going through a massive list of every NES, Game boy, Game boy Color, Master System, Game Gear, and Turbo Grafx 16 titles released and comparing contrasting the different ports across those platforms. My goal is to keep games with the same names that are different enough, while getting rid of inferior ports that there really is no reason to play. It is a VERY LONG & TEDIOUS goal. I'm almost finished though! I may end up adding in Neo Geo Pocket/Color also.

Alfred Chicken on Game boy is a superior port compared to the NES release. Plays just the same and has additional levels. The NES version is actually a port of the Game Boy original.
This sounds like both a taxing and fun excercise. Just don't get fooled into trashing that copy of Gradius II Famicom for the PC Engine Gradius II --- each of them have their own fun.

I actually won't even have the chance as I'm only doing USA based releases. Including releases from other regions would be far too daunting of a task. In addition to the extra comparisons, I would also have to be considering the languages and refresh rates as well and including translations and hacks. It would be endless lol.

I started this project because I hacked an NES Classic I had laying around and wanted to put every game for 4 button controller systems on it but ended up tight on space. So I started to go through and get rid of lesser ports that were similar enough to save some space. This build is made to fit a person who played 8 bit systems in the U.S. growing up without needing to buy additional controllers or storage modifications.
List of ports of NES games on the Gameboy? 2019-10-02T12:59:32 -05.00 Ninjainspandex 30 Originally posted by: Cvisci489

I have been going through a massive list of every NES, Game boy, Game boy Color, Master System, Game Gear, and Turbo Grafx 16 titles released and comparing contrasting the different ports across those platforms. My goal is to keep games with the same names that are different enough, while getting rid of inferior ports that there really is no reason to play. It is a VERY LONG & TEDIOUS goal. I'm almost finished though! I may end up adding in Neo Geo Pocket/Color also.

Alfred Chicken on Game boy is a superior port compared to the NES release. Plays just the same and has additional levels. The NES version is actually a port of the Game Boy original. This sounds like both a taxing and fun excercise. Just don't get fooled into trashing that copy of Gradius II Famicom for the PC Engine Gradius II --- each of them have their own fun.

List of ports of NES games on the Gameboy? 2019-10-02T06:18:59 -05.00 Ninjainspandex 30 List of ports of NES games on the Gameboy? 2019-10-01T22:17:04 -05.00 Ninjainspandex 30
Alfred Chicken on Game boy is a superior port compared to the NES release. Plays just the same and has additional levels. The NES version is actually a port of the Game Boy original. ]]>
List of ports of NES games on the Gameboy? 2019-09-26T14:35:05 -05.00 Ninjainspandex 30 List of ports of NES games on the Gameboy? 2019-09-26T13:39:24 -05.00 Ninjainspandex 30 NVM, deleted

List of ports of NES games on the Gameboy? 2019-09-26T11:54:44 -05.00 Ninjainspandex 30
Also Burgertime Deluxe on GB has different level layouts and different general feel to it than on NES. But it's still a Burgertime game. There are other GB games like this, but I'm not familiar enough with the NES counterparts to identify them right off. ]]>
List of ports of NES games on the Gameboy? 2019-09-26T11:52:55 -05.00 Ninjainspandex 30 List of ports of NES games on the Gameboy? 2019-09-26T09:40:22 -05.00 Ninjainspandex 30