NintendoAge -Sqooner Wii countdown clock 2019-10-04T01:42:52 -05.00 Fryer64 4
The not so fun part is i found someone who knew the battery number and he insisted i send him $50 friends and family for the code. He thought i was going to sell mine and undercut him, which couldnt have been farther from the truth. Just want to hang the thing up and have it count to random days, (Christmas, birthdays, etc) which i think its capable.

I get his point kinda, he doesn't owe me answer, but it has made me realize how cut throat people are. Ive met so many collectors in the last ten years that are really rad, but on very rare occasions you find someone who demotivates you from the hobby.

If someone asked me a simple question i knew the answer to, i wouldnt hesitate to answer, whether on ebay, nintendoage, or even some random out of the blue.

I cant wait to pick up my probably 4 dollar batteries and not just throw away money. ]]>
Wii countdown clock 2019-10-01T10:16:18 -05.00 Fryer64 4 Wii countdown clock 2019-10-01T08:13:32 -05.00 Fryer64 4 Originally posted by: Fryer64

Shot in the dark but i want it with batteries. The dude on ebsy has ome but he wont give me the number.. ( unless i pay him $50) his works for of Anyone know the battery number? Belongs on a wal! -Fryer64 Pm me   Have a picture of the batter compartment. My guess is its a LI Watch Battery CR23

Wii countdown clock 2019-10-01T03:27:31 -05.00 Fryer64 4   ]]>