NintendoAge -Sqooner Large Gamecube Promo Display Poster 2017-09-02T12:37:25 -05.00 certee 2
I think these would be great for vendors or those running game conventions to put on display during shows.

Saying that I think this one would sell for maybe around $100ish. If it had been promoting Twilight Princess you could maybe have double or tripled that price. ]]>
Large Gamecube Promo Display Poster 2017-09-02T11:12:24 -05.00 certee 2
The games promoted are Waverace, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, Rogue Leader, NBA Courtside, and Super Smash Bros Melee.

Here's an album of the pictures

I was just wondering what kind of collectibility and value it has. It is almost too ridiculously large so few people might have the space for it. Thanks for reading! ]]>