NintendoAge -Sqooner "Kung-Fu 2008-08-01T20:06:54 -05.00 NESJohnny 2 Originally posted by: NESJohnny

Kung-Fu grip.

That's a keeper! I haven't heard that phrase for years, and it actually does well with the connector haha Good call : )
"Kung-Fu" grip 72-pin connector observation 2008-08-01T18:35:29 -05.00 NESJohnny 2
Well, it was working like an original ("ZIF") connector but has now gone back to Kung-Fu.  I think the dust and grime was lubricating the connection with the carts.  Just thought it was an interesting observation; maybe when the carts start sliding in real easy it's time to clean the ol' Kung-Fu grip.