NintendoAge -Sqooner Finally getting a PS3 (or am I?) 2014-11-26T19:06:35 -05.00 0xero0 32 Finally getting a PS3 (or am I?) 2014-11-24T22:17:13 -05.00 0xero0 32 Originally posted by: Tigerstone91

Originally posted by: LAMRN15

The Last of Us is a masterpiece and should be a top priority for any PS3/PS4 owner.

I second that. The Last of Us in my opinion is the best game to come out last generatoin.
I'd never heard of this one before, but yeah, it looks bad ass.

Finally getting a PS3 (or am I?) 2014-11-24T21:53:00 -05.00 0xero0 32 Finally getting a PS3 (or am I?) 2014-11-24T21:50:31 -05.00 0xero0 32 Originally posted by: Rudybegga

Originally posted by: 0xero0

Well I just spent half an hour on the phone and got some more details about the tracking. It was delivered Tuesday all right. In a town about 15 miles away. The people that lived there apparently were honest people because they called for a UPS package pickup to get the package again. The tracking number has been re-scanned and should be delivered on Monday.

Sorry for laughing, but L.....O......LLLLLLLLL!  15 Miles away, wow!  But at least its coming back around to you.

Well it turns out, that's where the distribution hub is, so that's probably where it got scanned back in, not where it was picked up/delivered. I'm still jumping through hoops though. It turns out, they never realized they delivered it to the wrong adress. They even went as far as finding a forwarking adress for whomever lived there before (wrong name and adress now) and were going to forward the package to a different wrong adress. Luckily I intercepted the package by doing an online live chat with customer support before they could fuck up yet again. I told them to just keep it at the distribution hub and I'll go get it tomorrow. How many times could they screw this up?

Finally getting a PS3 (or am I?) 2014-11-24T20:51:03 -05.00 0xero0 32 Originally posted by: 0xero0

Well I just spent half an hour on the phone and got some more details about the tracking. It was delivered Tuesday all right. In a town about 15 miles away. The people that lived there apparently were honest people because they called for a UPS package pickup to get the package again. The tracking number has been re-scanned and should be delivered on Monday.
Sorry for laughing, but L.....O......LLLLLLLLL!  15 Miles away, wow!  But at least its coming back around to you.

As far as games to get, I'd get as many exclusives as you can.  3D Dot Game Heroes and Metal Gear Solid 4 are usually my go to games.  Ni No Kuni, Uncharted Series is pretty cheap and fun, Journey Compilation has Journey and Flower on it, two of my favorite PSN games.  Ico/Shadow of the Colossus, Little Big Planet series, Heavy Rain, Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles, Last of Us, Infamous 1 and 2 are okay.

I can think of some other games, but it might take a while.  Oh, and those are the exclusives, that's not even dipping into cross platform games (If you don't own a 360) like Orange Box/Portal 2, Mass Effect Series, Bioshock/Infinite, the Batman Arkham games, and stuff like Catherine, Dead Rising, Deus Ex, Skyrim, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Far Cry 3 and 4 are okay, or more mainstream stuff like GTA, La Noire, Assassin's Creed, Battlefield, CoD.  Whatever, those games never really appealed to me.
Finally getting a PS3 (or am I?) 2014-11-24T18:19:30 -05.00 0xero0 32 Originally posted by: LAMRN15

The Last of Us is a masterpiece and should be a top priority for any PS3/PS4 owner.

I second that. The Last of Us in my opinion is the best game to come out last generatoin. ]]>
Finally getting a PS3 (or am I?) 2014-11-24T18:03:43 -05.00 0xero0 32 Finally getting a PS3 (or am I?) 2014-11-24T15:32:03 -05.00 0xero0 32 God of war series
Gran Turismo 6 if you're into that sort of thing

And the Batman Arkham games if you haven't played them on 360.

That pretty much sums up my favorite games from last gen. ]]>
Finally getting a PS3 (or am I?) 2014-11-24T15:06:43 -05.00 0xero0 32 Catherine
Valkyria Chronicles
Under Defeat HD
Sly Cooper Collection
Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction ]]>
Finally getting a PS3 (or am I?) 2014-11-24T12:10:52 -05.00 0xero0 32