NintendoAge -Sqooner Nintendoage 2011 Contest Presents: Kickmaster 2011-07-03T22:04:28 -05.00 nesruler22 26
1st: 377,660 - acomicbookguyc +10 points
2nd: 113,220 - Miss Clawful +8 points
3rd: 101,360 - guillavoie +6 points
4th: 62,940 - MrMiniMog +4 points
5th: 51,580 - knightriderce +2 points


27,280 - bimmy_lee
8,560 - Raiden ]]>
Nintendoage 2011 Contest Presents: Kickmaster 2011-07-03T21:58:00 -05.00 nesruler22 26 101,360

I wish I could loop that damn game before the end of the week, but I kept dying in random holes, which is very frustrating.

However, if it wasn't of my girlfriend yelling at me when I was trying to pass the last level, I think I would have been able to beat it, or at the least, top Megan's score. But I just can't blame the girl for trying to get my hands off that Nes controller and do something more constructive.

Also, that's a fine game that I never played before.
Nintendoage 2011 Contest Presents: Kickmaster 2011-07-03T21:36:09 -05.00 nesruler22 26 27,280

Hardly had time for this game this week.

Nintendoage 2011 Contest Presents: Kickmaster 2011-07-03T21:09:05 -05.00 nesruler22 26  

Yeah, knee drop is pretty much good for everything, and what's great is that its an earlier learned move. One I don't care for is the blazing flip kick, doesn't work too well for a later attack.

Nintendoage 2011 Contest Presents: Kickmaster 2011-07-03T20:54:01 -05.00 nesruler22 26 Originally posted by: Miss Clawful


Actually the best way to beat Belzed is with the Quake magic, which stuns her, just back her into a corner, kick away at her, and when she's about to break out of your magic's hold over her, quake her again and continue kicking the crap out of her.

Awesome score by the way. I'm not going to be able to make it to get in another score, its already getting too late, just got home from work, took a shower, put clothes in the washer, getting ready to get something to eat, and I'm really too tired anyway to play anything to be able to even do good enough at it.

Yea I didn't mean I Knee Dropped Belzed as you would get hit every time trying to do that. I noticed if you stay below level one and don't go through without leveling up once you can beat her with the up kick. She gets frozen with the first hit and you continue. 

Nintendoage 2011 Contest Presents: Kickmaster 2011-07-03T20:45:15 -05.00 nesruler22 26 62,940

Nintendoage 2011 Contest Presents: Kickmaster 2011-07-03T20:24:50 -05.00 nesruler22 26  

Actually the best way to beat Belzed is with the Quake magic, which stuns her, just back her into a corner, kick away at her, and when she's about to break out of your magic's hold over her, quake her again and continue kicking the crap out of her.

Awesome score by the way. I'm not going to be able to make it to get in another score, its already getting too late, just got home from work, took a shower, put clothes in the washer, getting ready to get something to eat, and I'm really too tired anyway to play anything to be able to even do good enough at it.

Nintendoage 2011 Contest Presents: Kickmaster 2011-07-03T18:15:11 -05.00 nesruler22 26
NEW HIGH SCORE = 377,660
Nintendoage 2011 Contest Presents: Kickmaster 2011-07-02T22:32:31 -05.00 nesruler22 26  

I haven't beeb able to put anymore time aside for this one, doesn't help I'm using time for playing the game with me cross-stitching a piece for it. Also too worn out from work to really have the energy to play well. But Sundays store closes early, so I might have a couple hours left to work on getting a better score, so maybe I'll be able to get in one more game of this tomorrow, if I'm up for it.

Nintendoage 2011 Contest Presents: Kickmaster 2011-07-02T14:28:18 -05.00 nesruler22 26
I suck at this game
