NintendoAge -Sqooner Info on NES Reproductions 2007-01-25T21:30:47 -05.00 Parpunk 6 Info on NES Reproductions 2007-01-25T21:28:42 -05.00 Parpunk 6 Originally posted by: BootGod

Yeah you can find a lot of info about it at nesdev like NGD mentioned. I've made some before, and I've been thinking about maybe taking a few orders myself to make a few bucks. Maybe some of the procedes can go to Dain to help get a better server

LOL, if we keep growing, we're gonna need one! The collector tool will be using mostly ajax (like Gmail), so that will help relieve a lot of the server strain as well. Once that's done, the search page will also be ajax-enabled, significantly reducing server load. For the next major update, I've been going through all the code tightening it up for performance, so hopefully we can manage on this server for a little while longer.

-Dain ]]>
Info on NES Reproductions 2007-01-25T21:09:13 -05.00 Parpunk 6 Info on NES Reproductions 2007-01-25T20:40:27 -05.00 Parpunk 6

Is there any game in particular your looking for? Chances are I have all the materials for most games on hand. ]]>
Info on NES Reproductions 2007-01-25T20:19:18 -05.00 Parpunk 6 ~~NGD ]]> Info on NES Reproductions 2007-01-25T20:15:29 -05.00 Parpunk 6