NintendoAge -Sqooner $15 too much? 2013-10-22T01:56:54 -05.00 skankinmack 8
Too bad you don't live in the US, i'd probably pick a couple up for 15 shipped. Locally, you're going to get 10/ea or a long wait for maximum profit. ]]>
$15 too much? 2013-10-21T23:48:48 -05.00 skankinmack 8
Just a week ago I sold an LE Pokemon Yellow/Blue GBC for $65 a guy who drove over two hours just to come pick it up. They only go for ~45 on eBay, but there are some people who don't do eBay and if the condition is really good they will buy.

Now I got extremely lucky there since it was only up for a week before that guy contacted me. I've had to sit on stuff for like 6 months sometimes, stuff that I expected to go FAST...but eventually *BOOM* when I least expect it someone serious buys it.

It's funny too b/c a day after I put up that GBC some dumb re-seller felt the need to email me saying "it's not worth that much it will never sell" and made me a poopy offer.....O'RLY? Never sell you say? heehee ]]>
$15 too much? 2013-10-21T22:10:11 -05.00 skankinmack 8 $15 too much? 2013-10-21T21:43:43 -05.00 skankinmack 8 $15 too much? 2013-10-21T20:45:06 -05.00 skankinmack 8 $15 too much? 2013-10-21T18:24:22 -05.00 skankinmack 8 $15 too much? 2013-10-21T17:39:27 -05.00 skankinmack 8 $15 too much? 2013-10-21T17:29:38 -05.00 skankinmack 8 ]]>