NintendoAge -Sqooner Games that the AVS has issues with? 2018-12-19T05:05:26 -05.00 guitarzombie 14 I have issues with one of them: Batman: Return of the Joker (PAL)

Settings don't seem to matter.
I tried PAL mode (obviously) but also NTSC mode and each with Extra Sprites on and off.

Stages 1, 2 and first boss mode run fine. I beat the boss. Crashes with black screen.  

Above testing was done with v1.30.
I downgraded to v1.10 and... now I can continue playing after finishing the 1st boss!
So it seems to be a FW issue. I was also having issue with Commando (separate thread), I will test that again with v1.10 after I finished playing Batman: Return of the Joker.
Settings used now: PAL mode / no extra sprites. NTSC mode glitches in stage 1-2.

Just to verify I have installed v1.30 again. Crashes after 1st boss.
Downgraded back to v1.10 - no crash.
Also, Commando is still crashing on me with v1.10... :-/

I informed retroUSB via Facebook and they got back to me very fast.
It seems they are aware that v1.30 breaks some PAL games and they hope to have PAL fixed with the next Firmware update.
I was able to play Batman: Return of the Joker PAL from beginning to end on Firmware v1.10 by the way. ]]>
Games that the AVS has issues with? 2018-11-10T23:05:48 -05.00 guitarzombie 14 Games that the AVS has issues with? 2018-11-10T08:24:39 -05.00 guitarzombie 14 Originally posted by: wyansas

Mine can't play Terminator 2, but the game plays fine on my toploader. It displays the opening splash screen and the title screen fine, but everything after that is wrong or corrupted, and the screen is black once gameplay starts.  T2 has one of those weird Acclaim circuit boards.  Maybe that has something to do with it?

Turn off extra sprites

Games that the AVS has issues with? 2018-11-10T01:50:19 -05.00 guitarzombie 14 Games that the AVS has issues with? 2018-09-26T15:11:13 -05.00 guitarzombie 14 Originally posted by: arnpoly

Do you have a copy of TMNT you could try? I had left side hide turned on inadvertently playing that and had a same pixel column on the far left that sounds like what you experienced.

Not sure if I'll get to it tonight but I'll try my PB2 and see if I see the same thing. I just checked and it didn't have it.  Then I turned on left side SHOW and it was exactly what I was talking about.  I then put in PB2 and even with SHOW or HIDE it was still there.  Lemme know what you see.

Games that the AVS has issues with? 2018-09-26T14:14:43 -05.00 guitarzombie 14
Not sure if I'll get to it tonight but I'll try my PB2 and see if I see the same thing. ]]>
Games that the AVS has issues with? 2018-09-26T09:36:06 -05.00 guitarzombie 14 Originally posted by: Tulpa

I was looking for the glitch in Marble Madness, but I didn't see it.

Let me double check mine again.  I had a feeling this would happen hah.  Also its possible it could be because of the different style PCBs?  

EDIT:  Yep didn't show up again.  But it absolutely does for PB2 as ive played it a couple of times. ]]>
Games that the AVS has issues with? 2018-09-26T01:33:24 -05.00 guitarzombie 14 Games that the AVS has issues with? 2018-09-24T13:23:01 -05.00 guitarzombie 14   ]]> Games that the AVS has issues with? 2018-09-24T08:24:03 -05.00 guitarzombie 14 Originally posted by: Jono1874
Originally posted by: themisfit138

Double Dragon II has extra pixel data at the bottom of the screen. Nothing too bad, but it can be a little distracting in some areas.

Thats a problem with the game, not AVS. I can see the same thing when playing it on my NES and Famicom.
Ok, I did not remember that as a kid. I haven’t played it on original hardware in quite awhile. 