NintendoAge -Sqooner "Credit card trick"/Foam swab/Which lubricant to use? 2015-04-22T12:39:16 -05.00 HochiKongCountry 3 ]]> "Credit card trick"/Foam swab/Which lubricant to use? 2015-04-21T21:19:51 -05.00 HochiKongCountry 3 "Credit card trick"/Foam swab/Which lubricant to use? 2015-04-21T21:13:09 -05.00 HochiKongCountry 3
Some people claim Deoxit is the holy grail of console maintenance and some people despise it, so I'm not really sure who to believe. What do you guys use to resurrect old consoles/clean contacts/pins etc.? I'm sure some of you have ingenius formulae I'd never have thought of.

Keep in mind I have very little technical skills so I'm not about to start desoldering and resoldering components or anthing like that unless I absolutely have to. Got a couple of SNES's that work but are very, very temperamental and it'd be nice to not have to spend ten minutes mucking around every time I want to put a new game in the thing.

I know I've been making crazy amounts of posts since I registered, so apologies for that, but I finally got an account so I Thought I'd get it all out at once. Thanks in advance for any help, and I'm not gonna do any of this till I hear from you guys so there's no need for anyone to go berserk if one of the things I suggested is potentially damaging. ]]>