NintendoAge -Sqooner [Homebrew] Multiple In-Development Famicom Games 2019-09-30T23:07:50 -05.00 Zezzler 32 Originally posted by: Banshaku


You're welcome! I will tell him that there is already 2 people interested in the nes version. Once more information becomes available, I will share it here.
I'm absolutely in as well! Super excited about all of these games  
[Homebrew] Multiple In-Development Famicom Games 2019-09-30T19:23:56 -05.00 Zezzler 32 Originally posted by: Banshaku


You're welcome! I will tell him that there is already 2 people interested in the nes version. Once more information becomes available, I will share it here. You know I'm in  

[Homebrew] Multiple In-Development Famicom Games 2019-09-27T11:19:28 -05.00 Zezzler 32
You're welcome! I will tell him that there is already 2 people interested in the nes version. Once more information becomes available, I will share it here. ]]>
[Homebrew] Multiple In-Development Famicom Games 2019-09-26T23:04:06 -05.00 Zezzler 32 Originally posted by: Banshaku

If I can have an idea how many people may want the NES version instead of FC one I can give them the numbers and that can help them for preparing the first batch. Thank you for all the updates and for acting as a sort of go-between, Banshaku! I would also love to buy a copy of the NES version if possible when it’s available. ]]>
[Homebrew] Multiple In-Development Famicom Games 2019-09-26T21:35:54 -05.00 Zezzler 32
At first the NES version was supposed to be done with the help of Paul (InfiniteNesLives) but he's very, very, very (x100) busy so it was not possible for him to do it at the same time as the FC release. This caused some logistic issues and they are scrambling to figure out a way to get some NES version but there is no official release date yet (they are testing how to make NES cart at the moment). Since they are not sure how well it will go (making the carts), they will start with a small batch to test feasibility. As for reservation, unfortunately I don't think they have such system and only the BOOTH site will allow to buy the game. I can still ask if they can do any reservation but I cannot promise anything  

The NES version should be mostly the same thing as the FC one so as long you have an adapter it should work. If I can have an idea how many people may want the NES version instead of FC one I can give them the numbers and that can help them for preparing the first batch.

The FC version release is not affected and should hopefully be released at the beginning of November.

The game is available in Japan since the beginning of the year (? March, April forgot the exact date) and can be bought at Akihabara or the Toranoana website. There may be other places that sell it but I'm not directly in contact with him but can ask questions if required. ]]>
[Homebrew] Multiple In-Development Famicom Games 2019-09-26T16:16:20 -05.00 Zezzler 32
Or is it about to be released? ]]>
[Homebrew] Multiple In-Development Famicom Games 2019-09-26T10:42:28 -05.00 Zezzler 32 [Homebrew] Multiple In-Development Famicom Games 2019-09-25T20:51:07 -05.00 Zezzler 32

I talked with him today and regarding the nes version, a small batch will be done after the November release. As for how many will be available, box, manual etc, and when, I should receice more information later on this subject. ]]>
[Homebrew] Multiple In-Development Famicom Games 2019-09-24T21:29:32 -05.00 Zezzler 32 [Homebrew] Multiple In-Development Famicom Games 2019-09-23T21:41:19 -05.00 Zezzler 32