NintendoAge -Sqooner **Unofficial NintendoAge Weekly Contest All-Time Leaderboard** 2015-03-12T06:51:15 -05.00 Fluffy 23 **Unofficial NintendoAge Weekly Contest All-Time Leaderboard** 2015-02-01T16:44:48 -05.00 Fluffy 23 Originally posted by: guillavoie

I just saw an error in the list Fluffy. Mog and MrMiniMog is the same guy, you should combine their score and list him under his current username (Mog). This will make one of my favorite competitor(Missing something here? maybe an "S"?) climb another rank for now.

You are not your own Favourite Competiter? 

Anyways, I fixed it, but boy did that sure create an snowball effect. ]]>
**Unofficial NintendoAge Weekly Contest All-Time Leaderboard** 2015-01-27T17:29:09 -05.00 Fluffy 23

Sweet, probably need to get back into it, shoot for the top 20. ]]>
Unofficial NintendoAge Weekly Contest All-Time Leaderboard 2015-01-27T10:51:24 -05.00 Fluffy 23 Originally posted by: gutsman004

I find it hard to believe I'm in 2nd place as there are many other talented gamers who have competed longer than I have. I figured Tom would have 9000 points. I knew Tom would be ahead of me, but I thought the standings would be closer since we played almost over the same exact time period.

Unofficial NintendoAge Weekly Contest All-Time Leaderboard 2015-01-27T10:50:15 -05.00 Fluffy 23 Originally posted by: bimmy_lee

Here is a link to the 2009 Leaderboard.

Back then, points were only awarded to the top 3 finishers, so it was hard to gain any ground on the leaderboard unless you were really, really good. And there were some awesome participants back then. I'm surprised I'm still in third place all-time even though I haven't participated in a couple years.
Thanks, I'll get to work on adding in these points!

Unofficial NintendoAge Weekly Contest All-Time Leaderboard 2015-01-27T10:44:29 -05.00 Fluffy 23 Unofficial NintendoAge Weekly Contest All-Time Leaderboard 2015-01-27T10:38:53 -05.00 Fluffy 23 Unofficial NintendoAge Weekly Contest All-Time Leaderboard 2015-01-27T09:58:38 -05.00 Fluffy 23 Originally posted by: guillavoie

Originally posted by: arch_8ngel

I know you mean well, but this is almost just a transcription of level-of-participation, assuming you score in the top 10 on a somewhat regular basis when you play.

(interesting, none-the-less, to see what that total participation level looks like)

Indeed, participation is quite the key on this list. Something that would also be interesting is a list of the average points per contest, rdrunner would be first for sure on that one.  There's still some flaws in such a statistics, cause I know sometimes people don't post a score for a contest cause they're not able to get top ranks, I know I did this in the past.

A perfect mix of consistency and excellence is what makes a great weekly contest player. In any case, this involves a lot of dedication.
I think it would probably be better just to consolidate all of the leaderboard tables onto one page, but keep them separate by year and season.

Might lead to the same conclusions, but for instance, Megan only participated for a year, or two.
And the bulk of my points are only from one year (had a few points from earlier years, here and there, but wasn't a dedicated competitor at that time).

PS - again, not knocking the effort involved with consolidating the leaderboards... I know it's a pain-in-the-ass. ]]>
Unofficial NintendoAge Weekly Contest All-Time Leaderboard 2015-01-27T02:29:10 -05.00 Fluffy 23 Unofficial NintendoAge Weekly Contest All-Time Leaderboard 2015-01-27T02:22:41 -05.00 Fluffy 23 ]]>