NintendoAge -Sqooner WTB:CIB Pokemon Center Edition Gameboy Advances 2012-05-01T22:52:20 -05.00 YellowGameboyColor 2 WTB:CIB Pokemon Center Edition Gameboy Advances 2012-05-01T21:27:12 -05.00 YellowGameboyColor 2
But I am looking for any of the Pokemon Center Limitied Edition Gameboy Advance Systems CIB!

They come in 5 different versions, being the Latios & Latias, Celebi, Suicune, and 2 Gold versions (one in US and one in Japan).

Message me if you have any of these and I will name a price unless you would like to trade (willing to trade multiple items from collection).

Thanks a lot! ]]>