NintendoAge -Sqooner CHILLER NES CIB in mint condition 2010-03-11T19:56:53 -05.00 Zuane 7 CHILLER NES CIB in mint condition 2010-03-11T19:48:00 -05.00 Zuane 7 Originally posted by: ihavethatpma

I had a rough time playing it, like the hit detection was off or something, but it's a really awesome game.

Super gory game considering it's for the NES, but I like that kind of thing!

yes, it is really a Super gory game. I'm fashineted by atmosphere, really really dark!

CHILLER NES CIB in mint condition 2010-03-10T20:46:59 -05.00 Zuane 7 Originally posted by: ihavethatpma

I had a rough time playing it, like the hit detection was off or something, but it's a really awesome game.

Super gory game considering it's for the NES, but I like that kind of thing!

Best way to play is with 2 Zappers, either with a friend or just double-fisting.  So much fun! ]]>
CHILLER NES CIB in mint condition 2010-03-10T19:28:15 -05.00 Zuane 7
Super gory game considering it's for the NES, but I like that kind of thing! ]]>
CHILLER NES CIB in mint condition 2010-03-10T07:06:05 -05.00 Zuane 7 It seems also a nice game, obviously the arcade is better, but the nes graphics rocks
CHILLER NES CIB in mint condition 2010-03-10T04:29:12 -05.00 Zuane 7 CHILLER NES CIB in mint condition 2010-03-10T04:09:04 -05.00 Zuane 7
How much is CHILLER in mint codition?
The edition is the USA version.

Thank you