NintendoAge -Sqooner NES Action Set Box 2006-12-14T13:39:41 -05.00 Battymo 9 NES Action Set Box 2006-12-14T08:42:11 -05.00 Battymo 9 Also, our gas was over a buck for quite some time, only recently did it go back under...and we produce the shit. Not to mention all the homeless...guess the grass really IS greener on the other side ]]> NES Action Set Box 2006-12-13T23:07:46 -05.00 Battymo 9 in BC were paying 15% for taxes plus well over a $1.00 per litre for gas on the bright side though theres no snow out here, that sun sure is bright ]]> NES Action Set Box 2006-12-13T20:28:29 -05.00 Battymo 9 NES Action Set Box 2006-12-13T19:33:22 -05.00 Battymo 9
It's not really free... we're just taxed through the ass before we get our pay!

I think I'll just buy the guy lunch for the Action Set Box... Seems fair to me! ]]>
NES Action Set Box 2006-12-13T16:44:47 -05.00 Battymo 9 Down here as the saying goes "There is no such thing as a free meal." It's not directly offensive to just say "thanks" and take something like that from a coworker but leaves you at a disadvantage I think. Tough to explain. But that little barely-significant monetary compensation, or even buying them $5 worth of lunch or telling them "Go buy yourself lunch on me" when you try to hand them a bill kind of completes things; makes a definite end. There's no "disparity" afterwards; it's like an exchange of gifts. Like saying hello to somebody and them looking you in the eye and saying nothing back. They may not even take the money, try to give it back, but it's the attempt that counts.

I dunno it's wierd but that's the dynamic I've observed, it's pretty consistent too. Also, they know who to go to when something else like that crops up again lol

Sorry severely off-topic //straightens tie ]]>
NES Action Set Box 2006-12-13T12:52:41 -05.00 Battymo 9 Originally posted by: dangevin

I think it's customary in the USA to offer a $5 as a tip in that case for his trouble lugging it in.

Lucky for me I'm in Canada! He said he's just going to give it to me. Says it has all the styrofoam and inserts. Sounds like a deal to me! ]]>
NES Action Set Box 2006-12-13T09:31:02 -05.00 Battymo 9
If it's someone who has genuinely kept it well, corners are nice and it includes inserts, twist ties, plastic bags just no actual components and collects but just has a duplicate or something like that then you could probably offer up $20? ]]>
NES Action Set Box 2006-12-13T08:45:11 -05.00 Battymo 9