NintendoAge -Sqooner What are some of the most underrated NES Games in your opinion?? 2010-07-24T17:37:43 -05.00 Zoso471 131 What are some of the most underrated NES Games in your opinion?? 2010-07-24T17:01:17 -05.00 Zoso471 131 What are some of the most underrated NES Games in your opinion?? 2010-06-14T15:21:37 -05.00 Zoso471 131 What are some of the most underrated NES Games in your opinion?? 2010-06-14T14:58:29 -05.00 Zoso471 131
Awesome game with great graphics and great sound. The first part is quite repetitive but gets quite hard and entertaining later on. Thus I like the PAL version more where the main character wears a helmet and not that terrible Elvis haircut..... ]]>
What are some of the most underrated NES Games in your opinion?? 2010-06-14T13:12:31 -05.00 Zoso471 131 What are some of the most underrated NES Games in your opinion?? 2010-06-14T13:08:33 -05.00 Zoso471 131 What are some of the most underrated NES Games in your opinion?? 2010-06-13T22:11:07 -05.00 Zoso471 131

Solar Jetman

Kid Nikki
(even though is a LOT easier than the arcade version)

Kid Icarus (is this actually under-rated, or do I just have weird friends here that either don't like, or haven't played, this game?)

Guardian Legend (Shooter? RPG? Hells yeah!)

Little Nemo

Adventure Island

Star Tropics (/thread) ]]>
What are some of the most underrated NES Games in your opinion?? 2010-06-09T02:12:54 -05.00 Zoso471 131 What are some of the most underrated NES Games in your opinion?? 2010-06-09T02:10:40 -05.00 Zoso471 131 Originally posted by: Kickle

Originally posted by: Estil

I know most people seem to hate these games (especially the difficulty) but I personally love the first two NES Simpsons games.

Also, I think Zelda 2's graphics are quite underrated.

Am I the only one here who prefers Zelda 2 over the first? Oh, and,

What are some of the most underrated NES Games in your opinion?? 2010-06-05T19:42:10 -05.00 Zoso471 131 (stupid iPhone.) ]]>