NintendoAge -Sqooner Black N64 Zelda OoT cartridge 2013-03-09T03:46:32 -05.00 Ikhana 29 If this really is something rare, maybe I should try posting this in a German forum or something..
Do you remember where you read abot the black box? (or was it just the brown one afterall?) ]]>
Black N64 Zelda OoT cartridge 2013-03-07T09:20:00 -05.00 Ikhana 29 Originally posted by: DarkTone

Originally posted by: Faltain1

Don't get your panties in a twist people, it's probably nothing more then a black carted game's exterior over an OoT's board with an OoT's sticker on it.

I know there's a ton of black N64 carted games out there, and it's a ton easier to open the (likely shitty sports games) black cart up and swap out the inside and outer sticker for another game then it is to custom paint a grey cart.

That'd be my guess.

Y'all can do something like this too pretty easy with a gamebit, original copy of a game and someone selling N64 front labels.
It sucks if that's the case, but it also sounds easy to do. 

  It's incredibly easy to do.

I've done it myself with SNES reproductions using Killer Instinct + Maximum Carnage/Doom Black/Red carts respectively to add spice/uniqueness. ]]>
Black N64 Zelda OoT cartridge 2013-03-07T08:10:50 -05.00 Ikhana 29 Originally posted by: Faltain1

Don't get your panties in a twist people, it's probably nothing more then a black carted game's exterior over an OoT's board with an OoT's sticker on it.

I know there's a ton of black N64 carted games out there, and it's a ton easier to open the (likely shitty sports games) black cart up and swap out the inside and outer sticker for another game then it is to custom paint a grey cart.

That'd be my guess.

Y'all can do something like this too pretty easy with a gamebit, original copy of a game and someone selling N64 front labels. It sucks if that's the case, but it also sounds easy to do. 

Black N64 Zelda OoT cartridge 2013-03-07T06:09:07 -05.00 Ikhana 29

As others have said, from all info I've seen online about the European release of OoT, I'd assume that it is simply just a transplant of the board and label (or a reprint of the label) onto a Turok or WWF cart, just to be cooler looking.

@Romargable, the Special Edition OoT you're speaking of is shown here: ]]>
Black N64 Zelda OoT cartridge 2013-03-06T20:40:12 -05.00 Ikhana 29 Black N64 Zelda OoT cartridge 2013-03-06T13:45:03 -05.00 Ikhana 29
And OP, My mistake! You indeed are a lucky woman ]]>
Black N64 Zelda OoT cartridge 2013-03-06T09:56:42 -05.00 Ikhana 29
I know there's a ton of black N64 carted games out there, and it's a ton easier to open the (likely shitty sports games) black cart up and swap out the inside and outer sticker for another game then it is to custom paint a grey cart.

That'd be my guess.

Y'all can do something like this too pretty easy with a gamebit, original copy of a game and someone selling N64 front labels. ]]>
Black N64 Zelda OoT cartridge 2013-03-06T01:58:00 -05.00 Ikhana 29 Originally posted by: K3VBOT

Originally posted by: Ikhana

I'm pretty sure it's not painted. o.O

You are a lucky man!!
I'd love to have something like this, hell, I'd trade my Gold OOT for one.

Yeah.. except that I'm not a man. =P ]]>
Black N64 Zelda OoT cartridge 2013-03-05T15:19:44 -05.00 Ikhana 29 Originally posted by: Ikhana

I'm pretty sure it's not painted. o.O
You are a lucky man!!
I'd love to have something like this, hell, I'd trade my Gold OOT for one.

Black N64 Zelda OoT cartridge 2013-03-05T14:04:36 -05.00 Ikhana 29