NintendoAge -Sqooner "Reproduction 2014-03-11T14:42:02 -05.00 Diamante Loco 53 Originally posted by: Darth Vader

What is to stop someone from scraping off that little tiny chunk off the label and than selling it as real to someone less knowledgeable.
  Yeah, wouldn't a F2 with a damaged label be worth more than a F2 with a repo label, even if both carts have legit boards inside?

"Reproduction 2014-03-11T14:37:51 -05.00 Diamante Loco 53
There is no need for this. If you want to play it either emulate it or make a different label for the cartridge.

What is to stop someone from scraping off that little tiny chunk off the label and than selling it as real to someone less knowledgeable. This has been gone over a million times on here.

He trying to be deceptive and it's wrong! There is no convincing me otherwise. ]]>
"Reproduction 2014-03-11T14:32:57 -05.00 Diamante Loco 53 Originally posted by: teh lurv

Originally posted by: Redivivus

Repro labels are great! Its the only way I will finish my collection. Now I just need to buy out someones mega collection of SMB/DH games (wink, wink PMA) and slap on repro labels of the games I still need! I wont play the rest of those games anyway, so problem solved!

"Are you a twenty-something hipster who yearns to pontificate about retro-game collecting on Youtube, but don't have a floor-to-ceiling wall of NES games to stand in front of? can help!"
That is a freaking awesome sales pitch! I would totally do the infomercial! Well, minus the 20 year old hipster part.

"Reproduction 2014-03-11T14:27:21 -05.00 Diamante Loco 53 Originally posted by: Darth Vader

When it is made so close to the original that it is meant to deceive, it's wrong.
Noone forced him to put the "reproduction" part on the label though... nor in his auction listings... so yeah, he isn't necessarily trying to "deceive" anyone. If he was he'd try to be pretending it's a real copy. ]]>
"Reproduction" Flintstones Surprise at Dinosaur Peak 2014-03-11T14:12:44 -05.00 Diamante Loco 53
When it is made so close to the original that it is meant to deceive, it's wrong. ]]>
"Reproduction 2014-03-11T14:04:23 -05.00 Diamante Loco 53 Originally posted by: Faltain1

Originally posted by: B.A.

Eh, at least this one says reproduction. That's about the best you can hope for.

That's the thing... if people go into it knowing full well what they're buying isn't a "legit" label/manual/box/etc., then I don't have an issue with it.

I do get the crap storm people have over the fakes that are attempted to be passed off as "legit".
Nope, you can hope for clarity rather than hidden fine print.  For it not to be counterfeit it has to be obviously unoriginal at a glance, not upon close inspection.  If you print dollar bills as close as you can to the real thing and put  a tiny fine print on it somewhere incospicous that says reproduction, then sell it at 10 cents on the dollar to some crooks so they can launder it you are still counterfeiting even though the crooks know it's not real.

When it comes to fakes that need close inspection to differentiate from the real thing, if you are clear that it is a fake when you sell it, it just means you are selling to people for them to pass off as legit instead of directly trying to pass it off as legit yourself. ]]>
"Reproduction 2014-03-11T13:37:47 -05.00 Diamante Loco 53 Originally posted by: Redivivus

Repro labels are great! Its the only way I will finish my collection. Now I just need to buy out someones mega collection of SMB/DH games (wink, wink PMA) and slap on repro labels of the games I still need! I wont play the rest of those games anyway, so problem solved!
"Are you a twenty-something hipster who yearns to pontificate about retro-game collecting on Youtube, but don't have a floor-to-ceiling wall of NES games to stand in front of? can help!"

"Reproduction 2014-03-11T13:00:00 -05.00 Diamante Loco 53 Originally posted by: B.A.

Eh, at least this one says reproduction. That's about the best you can hope for.
That's the thing... if people go into it knowing full well what they're buying isn't a "legit" label/manual/box/etc., then I don't have an issue with it.

I do get the crap storm people have over the fakes that are attempted to be passed off as "legit". ]]>
"Reproduction 2014-03-11T12:54:01 -05.00 Diamante Loco 53 Originally posted by: drclaw411

I wish some of these people really were making labels just for upgrades, not to sell to others so they in turn could rip somebody off. I just want a label for my Little Mermaid nes cart because my sister ripped it off when we were little because she wanted to put it in a sticker book. New fake label - $7.30
Good condition game - $9.00
Original cart with childhood memories - priceless  
"Reproduction" Flintstones Surprise at Dinosaur Peak 2014-03-11T12:43:41 -05.00 Diamante Loco 53
Also, because EVERY rare/expensive game on the nes has this issue now, I probably wouldn't buy one unless it was in person or I knew the guy. ]]>