NintendoAge -Sqooner "Beating 2013-10-12T19:43:13 -05.00 pegboy 78 Originally posted by: the_wizard_666

Game B, level 9, height 5.
Game A, get the best end screen.

At that point, you can say you've beat it. There's a difference between beating it and mastering it though...
that's my vote. and I'm able to do both so yay!

"Beating" NES Tetris (licensed version) 2013-10-07T09:43:22 -05.00 pegboy 78 (playing on an LCD... need to get a CRT set up so I can really improve) ]]> "Beating" NES Tetris (licensed version) 2013-10-06T23:25:48 -05.00 pegboy 78 Game A, get the best end screen.

At that point, you can say you've beat it. There's a difference between beating it and mastering it though... ]]>
"Beating 2013-10-04T09:52:10 -05.00 pegboy 78 Originally posted by: bblancobrnx

To actually win at Tetris you must put the game down and never play it again. That is the hardest thing to achieve and the only move that can be considered a "win" for you personally The only way to win is not to play... seems like that should be the tagline for a movie, or something

"Beating 2013-10-04T06:48:04 -05.00 pegboy 78 "Beating 2013-10-03T14:43:27 -05.00 pegboy 78 This guy appears to have done a TAS that runs "to Level 329 and beyond", until the level counter wraps around back to zero. (No idea why the music is lower-pitched and slower in these videos -- maybe he changed over to PAL settings? -- but in earlier videos it's normal NTSC sound.) ]]> "Beating" NES Tetris (licensed version) 2013-10-03T11:35:22 -05.00 pegboy 78
you always die

everyone always dies

even when you max out, or reach level 30, you die

it is the best game ever ]]>
"Beating 2013-10-03T00:18:01 -05.00 pegboy 78 All you have to do is get a "tetris" which is 4 rows at once.
Then you have beaten the game!

At least that's what I tell myself. ]]>
"Beating 2013-10-02T02:33:46 -05.00 pegboy 78 Originally posted by: arch_8ngel

Originally posted by: Kitaru

It does glitch out if you TAS far enough into 29. There are a variety of game-ending bugs that you have to work around to do a full loop.

Obviously without an explicit ending, it sort of becomes a matter of semantics. There is no literal "win," but reaching Level 29 generally seems like the most logical endgame goalpost. 

I don't consider playing a level's worth of 29 the same as completing it. ("You survived a full ten lines of the Tetris Apocalypse! Congratulations! Your prize is a similarly swift death!") By Level 29 you have seen everything the game can throw at you -- there is no more advancement in the speed table, both in terms of what the player can observe and what is happening programmatically. The fact that the name table advances where the speed table does not just seems like they tied up one loose end but not the other. (FWIW, they did a simple hack in the SNES Tetris + Dr. Mario remake to just bound the bits of the level value so it cannot exceed 31.) For these reasons, finishing a full ten lines of it just seems more like an extra wizard goal to me.

Food for thought -- would your opinion be affected if:

1) If the game capped the counter at 29.
2) The game immediately looped from 29 to 00.

In Case #2, my opinion would change significantly, and certainly move the goalposts. I think we would need to start using loop notation -- finishing 29 would be a 1-ALL, and you would start back at 2-00. As it stands, I feel there isn't as logical a place to draw the line, and it's not humanly possible to loop the game either.

Anyway, it's not super important. I just feel that if you have to pick an endgame progress goal to shoot for so you can mark it off your list, Level 29 is what makes sense.

Yeah, I guess I can see the argument that it's a "wizard goal" to actually clear Level 29.

But at the same time, the fact that it can, and has, been cleared before just raises the bar for what it means to be a true master of the game.

Since there is no "beating" Tetris, degree of mastery is the real benchmark.
And it's hard to say that a person who can reach 29 is at the same level as a person who has actually cleared 29 and then some.

That said, if the game actually capped the counter at 29 or looped back through "properly" my opinion would probably be different about what their programmers' intentions actually were.

(and yeah, I had heard about Thor clearing 19-5, as well, but 19-3 from Bucco appears to be the best video proof floating around right now other than TAS videos)
Spectre has a 19-4 posted.

Originally posted by: pegboy

Originally posted by: Kitaru

It's possible with just DAS, just incredibly hard. Ben and I are tied for "closest failure" with 29.7, I think. IIRC it's possible to stack up to the 10th row if you leverage tap extension (i.e., DAS into a hop tap to slightly exceed 10hz. Then, in ideal circumstances hopefully mash another tap to wall tech back into full DAS charge... but be prepared to have no momentum going into the next move.) Don't get me wrong, the constraints are tight. That said, it believe it is in the realm of possibility.
I could be wrong but wouldn't you need a stack of at least height 11 (on both sides) in order to survive until level 30?  if you are sitting at level 28.9 you need 11 more lines to hit 30, not 10.  I don't think it's possible to create that situation without beating DAS.

I believe an unrotated L with max DAS (no extra tap) can reach the left playfield wall in frame perfect fashion -- it locks immediately afterward. I'll have to test later to be sure. If not, the tap extension is an option. But yeah, you're going to be restricted to the bottom one or two rows of the playfield, and rotating is going to reduce your range significantly on account of the piece extending into the next row down. I'll try to definitively work out the max upstack you can manage before the transition to 29 later as well, but I think it's sufficient if all goes right. ]]>
"Beating 2013-10-01T16:04:36 -05.00 pegboy 78 Originally posted by: Kitaru

It's possible with just DAS, just incredibly hard. Ben and I are tied for "closest failure" with 29.7, I think. IIRC it's possible to stack up to the 10th row if you leverage tap extension (i.e., DAS into a hop tap to slightly exceed 10hz. Then, in ideal circumstances hopefully mash another tap to wall tech back into full DAS charge... but be prepared to have no momentum going into the next move.) Don't get me wrong, the constraints are tight. That said, it believe it is in the realm of possibility.
  I could be wrong but wouldn't you need a stack of at least height 11 (on both sides) in order to survive until level 30?  if you are sitting at level 28.9 you need 11 more lines to hit 30, not 10.  I don't think it's possible to create that situation without beating DAS.
