NintendoAge -Sqooner May's e-zine 2010-05-22T14:20:34 -05.00 atlien003 25 May's e-zine 2010-05-22T14:16:27 -05.00 atlien003 25
Most of the nostalgia in Pokemon, comes from the multi-player aspect. Though Red and Blue are still solid stand alone games. ]]>
May's e-zine 2010-05-22T14:06:51 -05.00 atlien003 25 Originally posted by: dangevin

Not for nothing, but they're really good games (Pokemon). They're what I'd recommend as any kid's first RPG, period. I've played through Ruby/Sapphire three times. I'm not a Pokemaniac, but I appreciate them. I was born in 77, BTW.
Ok fine, it's not horrible but once they expanded to so many pokemon I think they lost the fun of it. I'm sure most people could name most of the originals, but now they are up to what, 500+? Maybe because I've only played them in an emulator. Might have to buy a retrovision and give it a sporting chance. ]]>
May's e-zine 2010-05-22T13:53:15 -05.00 atlien003 25 May's e-zine 2010-05-22T13:06:29 -05.00 atlien003 25
Also I grew up in the NES era.. the beginning, and was not too old for the Pokemon era. I was born in 84 (so I was 14 at the time of Pokemon), so I don't see the logic of people being too old. Yeah some of us got the NES when they were already 12, and it was just released. I got mine in 89 when I was 5, and I was right in the heart of the era.

Yeah though, I think dedicated section will bring more focus, and get more done. Maybe even make a private topic for writers, and list the sections of the magazine. Writers can call there spots a couple months in advance or something.
May's e-zine 2010-05-22T12:21:40 -05.00 atlien003 25
I do like the idea of having dedicated sections. Like an article dedicated to hardware, one for homebrews, a comic, profiles, noteable auction spotlight, the latest prototype news (since there seems to be a lot of it lately), and then the additional articles from other readers.

If we can get people focused on a direction to write about, then more ideas can be generated. Instead of "I should write an article for the ezine, but what should I write about", it would be "I should write a homebrew article, which homebrews are available/being worked on that people would find interesting". ]]>
May's e-zine 2010-05-22T11:10:24 -05.00 atlien003 25
I was thinking of doing a section called "Pokemon Center", since that is one of Nintendo's hugest brands, but we hardly ever hear about it on NA. I have to do more research though, as I am only familiar with the early years, and the original 150. ]]>
May's e-zine 2010-05-22T08:20:59 -05.00 atlien003 25 May's e-zine 2010-05-22T05:03:12 -05.00 atlien003 25 Originally posted by: ulasamosa

Originally posted by: WhatULive4

I wouldn't mind seeing some more profiles on forum members. It's always interesting seeing where collectors come from, what they do, etc. Maybe someone who isn't from the US or Canada.

yea I like this feature too.  Id like it more if it were on me.....jk lol.  I'll have to think of a topic and try my hand at writing something for the e-zine and pray my terrible grammer wont get shot down lol.

That's what dangevin is for ]]>
May's e-zine 2010-05-21T20:25:18 -05.00 atlien003 25 Originally posted by: WhatULive4

I wouldn't mind seeing some more profiles on forum members. It's always interesting seeing where collectors come from, what they do, etc. Maybe someone who isn't from the US or Canada.

yea I like this feature too.  Id like it more if it were on me.....jk lol.  I'll have to think of a topic and try my hand at writing something for the e-zine and pray my terrible grammer wont get shot down lol.