NintendoAge -Sqooner Nintendo Game Guidelines 2017-11-28T10:22:38 -05.00 Of games 2 Nintendo Game Guidelines 2017-11-28T09:41:31 -05.00 Of games 2
This is talked about a lot in terms of censorship, and the reason why certain companies didn't want to develop for Nintendo, and why Mortal Kombat for the SNES was a failure. However, I have always assumed this was since the NES' release in 1985. However, reading this: and it says 1988 (that latter link lists all of the guidelines, except for one, which was added in 1989.)

Given this information, I'm wondering if anybody knows of any NES games released before 1988, that could be considered outside of what Nintendo would publish? I know of Golgo 13, which was released in 1988 (which was partially censored), which some say is the most gruesome NES game, but not of any pre-1988.
Does anybody have any suggestions? It would be interesting to see the first case of Nintendo's censoring policy, or perhaps the game that forced their hand to create it. ]]>