NintendoAge -Sqooner 30 Minutes of Twelve Tales and 1 Hour of Dinosaur Planet Gameplay 2012-10-31T17:22:40 -05.00 IOnEI Falcon 24 30 Minutes of Twelve Tales and 1 Hour of Dinosaur Planet Gameplay 2012-10-30T19:18:03 -05.00 IOnEI Falcon 24 30 Minutes of Twelve Tales and 1 Hour of Dinosaur Planet Gameplay 2012-10-13T23:53:43 -05.00 IOnEI Falcon 24
Would really help if someone with connections would get through to the current owner, but I don't really see that happening. I imagine anyone that did know them would probably only contact them if someone was going around with a specific bounty that was pretty high. Plus if it were a group effort it'd need to look serious, rather than just a couple of people fantasizing. I don't know what to do...

I don't know the specifics of Kickstarter BTW, but if they have a validation process I don't really see something like this meeting their approval. Plus even if there were one, how do you decide who keeps the money and passes it to the seller? I don't really have a name for myself out there, I wouldn't really fit under the position =p ]]>
30 Minutes of Twelve Tales and 1 Hour of Dinosaur Planet Gameplay 2012-10-13T23:48:34 -05.00 IOnEI Falcon 24 Originally posted by: Phins

Why don't we just start a damn Kickstarter?
X2. ]]>
30 Minutes of Twelve Tales and 1 Hour of Dinosaur Planet Gameplay 2012-10-13T23:10:09 -05.00 IOnEI Falcon 24 30 Minutes of Twelve Tales and 1 Hour of Dinosaur Planet Gameplay 2012-10-13T22:27:17 -05.00 IOnEI Falcon 24 Originally posted by: introless

If you look here you see that Timberfan guy saying whoever currently has it would be willing part with it for the right price. No idea where he got that from and if it's true, though. Of course, how many people are going to be willing to pay, they'd rather see free ROMs and have other people do all the work/money for them :/

If a gang of a few people could come together with some serious cash and then make a public offer, I'd think it would be possible for the guy to try to get into contact with them and consider their offer. Just to give an idea, I know the owner of who released all those GBA protos) had a public offer of $15,000, which from what I know is like $1,000 short of the original price the current owner paid to get it. Again, this is just info from the net that could have no basis and be all wrong. But anyway, if people offered to add on top of that offer, say to over $20,000 or so, maybe it'd have some effect.

I'm sure all those high numbers scare away most people though and would put them back to just waiting for it to magically appear some day, which shows how bad they really want it. Someone's gonna have to take initiative eventually someday... I'm personally raising funds for the game myself, slow going but if I ever get enough I might see about doing what I said up there, and I'd hope maybe others who do TRULY want it and aren't just looking for a 30 minute play in an emulator before they get bored might consider the same.

And going by the response to the video from most people, I get a feeling not too many think the game looks that fun. i guess I have the bias of having waited for the game as a kid on my side, looks fun to me I've been really wanting to play Twelve Tails for years now, if you ever set up a fundraiser or anything I'd donate to it.

30 Minutes of Twelve Tales and 1 Hour of Dinosaur Planet Gameplay 2012-10-13T20:43:37 -05.00 IOnEI Falcon 24
If you look here you see that Timberfan guy saying whoever currently has it would be willing part with it for the right price. No idea where he got that from and if it's true, though. Of course, how many people are going to be willing to pay, they'd rather see free ROMs and have other people do all the work/money for them :/

If a gang of a few people could come together with some serious cash and then make a public offer, I'd think it would be possible for the guy to try to get into contact with them and consider their offer. Just to give an idea, I know the owner of who released all those GBA protos) had a public offer of $15,000, which from what I know is like $1,000 short of the original price the current owner paid to get it. Again, this is just info from the net that could have no basis and be all wrong. But anyway, if people offered to add on top of that offer, say to over $20,000 or so, maybe it'd have some effect.

I'm sure all those high numbers scare away most people though and would put them back to just waiting for it to magically appear some day, which shows how bad they really want it. Someone's gonna have to take initiative eventually someday... I'm personally raising funds for the game myself, slow going but if I ever get enough I might see about doing what I said up there, and I'd hope maybe others who do TRULY want it and aren't just looking for a 30 minute play in an emulator before they get bored might consider the same.

And going by the response to the video from most people, I get a feeling not too many think the game looks that fun. i guess I have the bias of having waited for the game as a kid on my side, looks fun to me ]]>
30 Minutes of Twelve Tales and 1 Hour of Dinosaur Planet Gameplay 2012-10-13T20:17:12 -05.00 IOnEI Falcon 24 30 Minutes of Twelve Tales and 1 Hour of Dinosaur Planet Gameplay 2012-10-08T17:12:45 -05.00 IOnEI Falcon 24 30 Minutes of Twelve Tales and 1 Hour of Dinosaur Planet Gameplay 2012-10-08T00:04:55 -05.00 IOnEI Falcon 24 Originally posted by: introless

I don't know about IOnEI Falcon personally having them, but maybe he knows someone who does. I originally thought these were VHS tapes but now looking at the quality, it kind of feels more like something from a TV capture card that just doesn't give perfect quality.

Who knows. Anyway, I'd rather keep the dream that someone out there with the protos is sharing stuff and may come forward someday to give us a chance to get this thing preserved
Watch the bottom of the screen for the dinosaur planet video... definitely looks like VHS. hopefully the OP will post and confirm where the footage was made
