NintendoAge -Sqooner Wo0o 5 Dolla Make You Holla... 2008-09-24T22:42:16 -05.00 !damage! 8 Wo0o 5 Dolla Make You Holla... 2008-09-24T20:34:58 -05.00 !damage! 8
this would sell ]]>
Wo0o 5 Dolla Make You Holla... 2008-09-24T19:05:54 -05.00 !damage! 8
I should do that for my office, though. Damn that would be sweet.

arch_8ngel: "Bartender, another round please!"

ROB: (in digitized voice) "Coming right up!" ]]>
Wo0o 5 Dolla Make You Holla... 2008-09-24T18:10:30 -05.00 !damage! 8 Originally posted by: arch_8ngel

I guess you could install a cup holder on the base, and pipe a tap through one of the arms. Then a solenoid could control the valving and pour on command...

And with the voicebox he could make bartender small talk!

shouldn't have posted that here, you should've dropped the hammer and made it work,

you'd be a millionaire

Wo0o 5 Dolla Make You Holla... 2008-09-24T13:49:20 -05.00 !damage! 8 I guess you could install a cup holder on the base, and pipe a tap through one of the arms. Then a solenoid could control the valving and pour on command...

And with the voicebox he could make bartender small talk!

Wo0o 5 Dolla Make You Holla... 2008-09-24T13:45:12 -05.00 !damage! 8

And Nathan: program it to pour me a beer and I'll buy six of them. ]]>
Wo0o 5 Dolla Make You Holla... 2008-09-24T11:10:22 -05.00 !damage! 8
I wonder if anybody has taken the chassis of a broken ROB and installed a micro controller and new servos to make a REAL robot with it... You could give it a vocalizer and voice recognition and make a crude "Mr. Sbatso" machine to sit on your desk and talk cool would that be? ]]>
Wo0o 5 Dolla Make You Holla... 2008-09-24T09:48:04 -05.00 !damage! 8 not too shabby for a working rob with hands

