NintendoAge -Sqooner NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Rainbow Islands 2014-09-15T09:13:34 -05.00 bimmy_lee 57 Originally posted by: gutsman004

Good job Thundercat! Woo!! No kidding, a beat on this game is pretty impressive.

This is one I'd like to get the rest of the way through sometime, for sure.

The main tactic I figured out for bosses (but didn't completely successfully execute on Boss 4) was that you can layer a TON of rainbows and drop them all at once for big damage rather than hitting them with individual rainbows directly.

NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Rainbow Islands 2014-09-15T00:17:05 -05.00 bimmy_lee 57 NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Rainbow Islands 2014-09-14T23:25:59 -05.00 bimmy_lee 57
1st - Thundercat08 - 2,919,700 +11 points
2nd - Balloon Kid - 2,582,400 +10 points
3rd - Arch 8ngel - 1,455,300 +9 points
4th - khog143 - 1,399,400 +8 points
5th - Vectrex280996 - 1,021,600 + 7 points
6th - EgasKrad - 1,016,800 +6 points
7th - BilltownSparty - 982,000 +5 points
8th - arnpoly - 931,900 +4 points
9th - gutman004 - 899,200 +3 points
10th - BriGuy82 - 860,500 +2 points


JamesRobot - 795,900
knightriderce - 538,800
babywuchki - 497,100
Velinos - 26,100
fatalfuryspecial - 20,900

Thanks for participating in this week's contest all!

Special congratulations to Thundercat08 for winning a weekly contest for the first time ]]>
NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Rainbow Islands 2014-09-14T22:39:22 -05.00 bimmy_lee 57 1,016,800 (Level 3 boss)

I'm back, sort of. I actually came back in time for the Smash TV contest with a couple days left but I haven't been feeling well since I got back. I've only been on here a couple times, just to answer PM's. I'm glad I put in practice runs last month for this otherwise I don't know where I'd be. I wish I put some more runs together but I just haven't been up to it. It is a very fun game though, and great scores all around this week.

NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Rainbow Islands 2014-09-14T22:17:46 -05.00 bimmy_lee 57 899,200 world 3-3. Pretty quirky but neat game. Too bad I was only able to spend about an hour and a half with this last night. I planned on playing for a bit today,but I was doing house work all day and the 49ers are playing right now,so this will be it for me this week. ]]> NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Rainbow Islands 2014-09-14T22:15:47 -05.00 bimmy_lee 57

I feel like he is definitely a boss you have to beat on the first life (or have perma-upgrades).
Probably would have been better off strategically churning through remaining lives in an earlier part of the level.

All-in-all, an interesting game with more depth than I originally guessed.
The first couple times playing it just seemed like an awful game, but once you figure out the item sequencing and placement mechanics it is much less frustrating. ]]>
NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Rainbow Islands 2014-09-14T21:43:49 -05.00 bimmy_lee 57 Unfortunately I ran out of time again this week and only had time to get a participation point.
NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Rainbow Islands 2014-09-14T20:54:49 -05.00 bimmy_lee 57
ri ]]>
NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Rainbow Islands 2014-09-14T18:34:00 -05.00 bimmy_lee 57 1,399,400

I had only ever played the PC-Engine version of this game, never the NES.  Pretty fun title, will probably revisit it in the future and try to actually complete it. ]]>
NintendoAge 2014 Weekly Contest Presents: Rainbow Islands 2014-09-14T11:28:16 -05.00 bimmy_lee 57 Endgame ]]>