I suppose I should introduce myself first, I am Tony from Electric Adventures, a software company I started back in the early 80's when I published titles for the original Spectravideo and MSX home computers. I also wrote articles and software for several magazines, as well as publishing the Australian MSX community news letter Micro's Gazette in the later part of the 80's.
After awakening from hibernation (well years of writing business software anyway) about five years ago and wanting to relive/revisit the 80's I resurrected most of my source code and started by making new tool sets for cross development for the original Spectravideo, MSX and Colecovision.
Three of my original games from the 80's were released by Collectorvision as EA Classics, which immediately sold out.
And last year I was asked by Collectorvision if I could make a special game for the NES i.e. the Game On Expo Championships cartridge, which contained three games, two based on Collectorvision's properties Sydney Hunter and Pedal To The Metal and a 3rd game being a conversion of one of my original games from the 80's - Meteor Swarm.
It was a fun experience and exciting challenge to not only learn 6502 but the NES architecture.
Part of my learning process involved building a tile set tool (that I may release later as I have done my editor for MSX/Coleco).
Now that I am more used to the NES architecture I plan to slowly release more games based on/inspired by my games I released for the MSX and the first one that I have just sent off for Beta testing is called Meteor Swarm.
So yes, it is (very) heavily inspired by Asteroids, but to my knowledge no game like that was ever released for the NES or Famicom.
The game is functionality complete, bar a couple of issues that I know about and of course any found by my beta testers.
So I hope to be able to announce the game ready to be ordered in the coming weeks.
The box art is currently being put together, so I will share that when it is ready.
The game will be produced by Collectorvision and come in a new plastic shell, along with a manual and cardboard box.
After awakening from hibernation (well years of writing business software anyway) about five years ago and wanting to relive/revisit the 80's I resurrected most of my source code and started by making new tool sets for cross development for the original Spectravideo, MSX and Colecovision.
Three of my original games from the 80's were released by Collectorvision as EA Classics, which immediately sold out.
And last year I was asked by Collectorvision if I could make a special game for the NES i.e. the Game On Expo Championships cartridge, which contained three games, two based on Collectorvision's properties Sydney Hunter and Pedal To The Metal and a 3rd game being a conversion of one of my original games from the 80's - Meteor Swarm.
It was a fun experience and exciting challenge to not only learn 6502 but the NES architecture.
Part of my learning process involved building a tile set tool (that I may release later as I have done my editor for MSX/Coleco).
Now that I am more used to the NES architecture I plan to slowly release more games based on/inspired by my games I released for the MSX and the first one that I have just sent off for Beta testing is called Meteor Swarm.
File comment: NES Meteor Swarm - Title Screen

NES-MeteorSwarm1.jpg [ 32.34 KiB | Viewed 4908 times ]
NES-MeteorSwarm1.jpg [ 32.34 KiB | Viewed 4908 times ]
So yes, it is (very) heavily inspired by Asteroids, but to my knowledge no game like that was ever released for the NES or Famicom.
The game is functionality complete, bar a couple of issues that I know about and of course any found by my beta testers.
So I hope to be able to announce the game ready to be ordered in the coming weeks.
The box art is currently being put together, so I will share that when it is ready.
The game will be produced by Collectorvision and come in a new plastic shell, along with a manual and cardboard box.