Hi there,
After days, weeks, months and years visiting the forum, I finally write my first real post here.
I humbly started my first name game... It’s not finished, and it will be more a demo than a game.
Making it with NESMaker (by Joe, one of my new 8bit heroes), my game started some weeks ago, and evolving with the different versions of the beta.
Great tool and very instuctive tutorial videos, to learn how to use NESMaker and the basics on ASM with NESMaker, and inspiration on the nesmakers forum.
I modified some code, added some functionalities specially for my game.
I made 3 levels for this demo... this demo would be a introduction to my game to come (when NESMaker will be out and have more functionalities).

You can download the rom file here:
Note: I’m not good to make music or sounds for my game (I tried but no success)
After days, weeks, months and years visiting the forum, I finally write my first real post here.
I humbly started my first name game... It’s not finished, and it will be more a demo than a game.
Making it with NESMaker (by Joe, one of my new 8bit heroes), my game started some weeks ago, and evolving with the different versions of the beta.
Great tool and very instuctive tutorial videos, to learn how to use NESMaker and the basics on ASM with NESMaker, and inspiration on the nesmakers forum.
I modified some code, added some functionalities specially for my game.
I made 3 levels for this demo... this demo would be a introduction to my game to come (when NESMaker will be out and have more functionalities).

You can download the rom file here:
Note: I’m not good to make music or sounds for my game (I tried but no success)