I finally got around to finishing this game that I started a couple years back, I think it was. Details on how to play are in the game. I haven't talked to the website owner about soliciting for donations, so I'll just skip that part. In case there are folks that don't get to the credits at the end of the game, I would like to mention that the sound engine is DragNSF1. Thanks Drag : )
Download NES Virus Cleaner
Hope you like it!
EDIT: Source code can now be found
It's good, a little hard at the beginning. I like the feeling, looks like a real nes game.
I rarely use save states with game hacks\homebrew games.
It's jus me or it's really hard in later levels?
Everything is good.Maybe add some "Continue"?
Music is ok, and have satysfing variety.
I liked it, thank for sharing:)
Nice little game, a little hard at beginning indeed.
It's a little hard at the beginning but it's a lot hard near the end.
Denine wrote:
Maybe add some "Continue"?
Nah, the game is finished as is. I spent a lot of time with my testers trying to find a good balance to the levels. I think it was accomplished. Though it might seem hard at first, it's not all that bad really. Don't forget that you have a teleporter at your disposal! I couldn't beat it when I first started playing, but now I have some strategic spots where I lay the teleporter that really help a bunch : )
Fun game, definitely has an addictive element to it.
It gets easier with time, trust me. I blasted through the first two worlds first load up!

Congrats you got it finished quick Roth, good work!
Good to see that you finished your game.
I didn't make it very far on my first few attempts, will try on a real console later.
It seems quite polished and it's also strangely addicting. Certainly one of the "easy to learn, difficult to master" type of games. Me likes :)
I wrote this before; maybe the post got dropped or deleted somehow, but I didn't get PM'd.
In the third (or so) screen, one of the horizontal sparks is patrolling back and forth across a narrow gap. One of the objects I'm supposed to collect appeared in that gap, and it was impossible to collect it without taking a hit. Are cheap hits like this something that the player is supposed to expect and plan for?
tepples wrote:
In the third (or so) screen, one of the horizontal sparks is patrolling back and forth across a narrow gap. One of the objects I'm supposed to collect appeared in that gap, and it was impossible to collect it without taking a hit. Are cheap hits like this something that the player is supposed to expect and plan for?
Yeah, that's about as cheap as it gets though. One level (2-4, I think) has a narrow opening in some "crossroads" that it can appear too. It's tough to get those ones without getting hit, but sometimes possible. But hey, no game is perfect!
Hey Roth, this game is really awesome. Definitely addicting. Great job! And thanks!
Hell, I forgot to post in this thread. I remember playing an early version of this, it's cool to see it completed. The graphics, sound, gameplay, and difficulty is handled really well.
Hey all, just wanted to tell you I uploaded the source code for this now. It's not properly commented, but it's there.
http://robertlbryant.com/index.php/gami ... s-cleaner/
First post is updated with the link.