Bregalad wrote:
So yeah this is a common problem, the NES connector is pure crap, and altough many people came with hundreds of miracle solutions (new connectors, clean it with anything or flip it vertically), none of them really works. Kind of like tricks to cure hiccups, there is hundreds of them (stop breathing, drink water, be scared, etc...) but none of them really works, they are all rumors.
The truth behind it is that for some reason, they work for some people but not others. Ironically, holding my breath has always cured the hiccups. You just have to hold your breath until you really need to breathe again. And flipping the connector
should work if you do it correctly. And nothing should break. And unfortunately, people have 1-bit precision mentality when it comes to things not working. I mean they see either:
1 - It works
0 - It doesn't work
People need to start seeing functionality of things with more than 1-bit precision. See, because something might be sort of broken, and not absolutely broken. Say the high bit is the "it works" bit in the following example. Someone says their "NES doesn't work". They see its functionality as:
When it's only the connector that's broken, so in actuality the functionality is something like:
Where it mostly works, just one little thing is broken. Forgive the wacky analogy; that's just how I see it

. If you didn't get it, all I'm saying is when something "doesn't work" that doesn't mean it's completely not working. There may be a small part that doesn't allow it to work, and you have to find out what that is and fix it.