Megaman 10 is coming soon (...)

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Megaman 10 is coming soon (...)
by on (#54199)
I remember there was a thread about if megaman X was 10 or something like that. Now you can all put that to rest: Capcom will release next year Megaman 10, famicom style, to wiiWare/PSN/xbl.

I won't even have time to finish my proof of concept for mm9 before this one will be out!.. Oh well. I should have known that Capcom, once they make a game, they spur million sequels out of it after anyway.

I guess I shouldn't mind much since the goal is to build my engine for my own game and that part is moving forward at least (but stalled for the moment, no time).

by on (#54200)
Holy crap, that's awesome!

I wouldn't worry about your homebrew project vs. when capcom releases mega man 10. Say you wanted to clone mega man 1, that'd be over 20 years late! haha! There's no hurry my friend! :)

by on (#54204)
But they already have a game called Mega Man X (granted, it's Ekkusu not 10). So why do they have to number it, as opposed to just calling it "Mega Man and the Menace from Outer Space"?

by on (#54205)
I think James Rolfe already has that covered...

by on (#54212)
tepples wrote:
But they already have a game called Mega Man X (granted, it's Ekkusu not 10). So why do they have to number it, as opposed to just calling it "Mega Man and the Menace from Outer Space"?

- For MegaMan, it's just confusion here. There's the classic MegaMan, those games released for the NES, now with 10. However, MM6 was the last one and the "need" for a new generation was "a must have", so they came with a new project: the X series. Eventually, the classic MM has been continued, and more parallel series published.

- In short words, I don't see any sign of confusion here.

by on (#54213)
Dwedit wrote:

First minute complains about the existence of service packs for SF2. At 4:10 he complains about what I suggested.

by on (#54216)
The X series was never means to be the "10" series, as evidenced by the fact that they never really made a megaman nine before making MMX (Rockman and Forte doesn't quite count).

Otherwise, how do you explain the zero series? 04 comes after 14? Huwhat?

Any claims of confusion over this are just theatrical effect.

by on (#54217)
phazmatis wrote:
Otherwise, how do you explain the zero series? 04 comes after 14? Huwhat?

- The Zero series? Well, it's a parallel story that would take 100 years after the events of MMX6. Similar thing happens with the ZX series, a few hundred years after the Zero series. ^_^;;

- I don't think we can perfectly take all those branches and say "such timeline is canon".

tepples wrote:
But they already have a game called Mega Man X (granted, it's Ekkusu not 10). So why do they have to number it, as opposed to just calling it "Mega Man and the Menace from Outer Space"?

- I didn't get what you mean here, but hell... the "X" was never meant to be "10". In fact, I though about that "X" being a mask; heh, after reading the story, it's clear that "X" is a robot.

- Well, perhaps it's like the brand new "Saint Seiya - the Lost Canvas". We don't own a Seiya character, but his past encarnation, Tenma. Got it? ^_^;;

I smell a split...

by on (#54394)
I am so ridiculously happy that Mega Man 10 is coming out, just as I was for Mega Man 9

Mega Man 1-6 were by far my favorite NES games, and to restore the 8-bit glory is just god-like 8)

by on (#54403)
From what I've read elsewhere, the general public doesn't seem too thrilled about another 8-bit-looking game. They think it was a cool novelty the first time, but doing it again is pointless and Capcom is pushing it.

Of course we, NES fans and programmers, are very interested in an 8-bit revival, because it makes our hobby more relevant to the rest of the world, but it doesn't seen the rest of the world is much interested in 8-bit anymore.

by on (#54406)
well still

if it had to be anything, I'm glad it was Mega Man :lol:

by on (#54418)
Yeah... I hope Megaman 11 is 16-bit-looking.

by on (#54421)
tokumaru wrote:
Of course we, NES fans and programmers, are very interested in an 8-bit revival, because it makes our hobby more relevant to the rest of the world, but it doesn't seen the rest of the world is much interested in 8-bit anymore.

- MM9 and 10 were NOT made to "Nouveaux Gamers". Capcom knows that and did a statement regarding such subject: for retro MM players. It's one of the greatest gifts in my life, since I'm not a fan of realistic-3D-killing games. Since they're fine with MM9 sales, well, MM10 could do even more.

by on (#54431)
Zepper wrote:
I'm not a fan of realistic-3D-killing games.

Exactly. And that's the reason I don't own any of the current-gen systems -- I have zero use for them. I just can't see myself spending $200+ on a console just to play this. I wish they would offer this as a PC download. For $5, it wouldn't even be worth the risk of pirating (viruses, etc), that's an instant sell for me.

Still holding out hope that eventually these games will be fan-ported or emulated ...

by on (#54438)
Zepper wrote:
- MM9 and 10 were NOT made to "Nouveaux Gamers".

My point was that even retro gamers, the target audience of the game, seem to think that one game in 8-bit style was enough. I've read so many times "I wish Mega Man 10 looked like a 16-bit game"...

I hope they keep making them look 8-bit, in fact I'd even like game series other than Mega Man to receive similar treatment.

by on (#54442)
tokumaru wrote:
My point was that even retro gamers, the target audience of the game, seem to think that one game in 8-bit style was enough. I've read so many times "I wish Mega Man 10 looked like a 16-bit game"...

- This world is really ironic.

by on (#54455)
Sure, a few fans, like myself, like making newer games look 8-bit. But it seems the general public will get tired of the 8-bit look pretty soon.

The Mega Man sprite on the NES is pretty hideous though. They could keep the game looking 8-bit even if they improved the Mega Man sprite a bit.

by on (#54457)
- I'd like to get a MM game with the Bionic Commando: Rearmed graphics style.

by on (#54462)
I don't think the Megaman sprite is ugly, the Megaman walk cycle is very iconic.

by on (#54485)
byuu wrote:
Still holding out hope that eventually these games will be fan-ported or emulated ...

Hopefully I will be able to put some time on my project next month. If it does go well, I may do more than 1 level.

by on (#54491)
I'm already wanting to play Megaman XI, XII and XIII and if they aren't 8-bit I will pixelize someone.

by on (#54493)
Even the PS2 Mega Man X games are 8 bit...

...per RGB channel.