I remember there was a thread about if megaman X was 10 or something like that. Now you can all put that to rest: Capcom will release next year Megaman 10, famicom style, to wiiWare/PSN/xbl.
I won't even have time to finish my proof of concept for mm9 before this one will be out!.. Oh well. I should have known that Capcom, once they make a game, they spur million sequels out of it after anyway.
I guess I shouldn't mind much since the goal is to build my engine for my own game and that part is moving forward at least (but stalled for the moment, no time).
I won't even have time to finish my proof of concept for mm9 before this one will be out!.. Oh well. I should have known that Capcom, once they make a game, they spur million sequels out of it after anyway.
I guess I shouldn't mind much since the goal is to build my engine for my own game and that part is moving forward at least (but stalled for the moment, no time).