I don't think it was worth creating a new thread but since it's done anyway : Merry Christmas everyone !
Too late! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays,.. May you all receive lots of presents that help advance whatever projects you're working on.

Yeah, I wish for a PowerPak

Merry Christmas! at least to those of us in the US - I guess it's over in Europe now
this is the only thread I've seen in General Stuff so far that has nothing to do with video games
isn't this section supposed to be anything you want? why discuss games in this forum? someone enlighten me

I assumed "general" meant anything.

You have not been paying attention at all bubble.
Well, some things about games are not strictly related to the NES, in which case you would want to post something here. All other forums (besides GB/C and SNESdev) are relevant to the NES. And besides, it doesn't matter. If you can talk about anything here, you can still talk about stuff relevant in other forums.
peppers wrote:
You have not been paying attention at all bubble.
well clearly I just signed up
don't flame the n00b plz
Merry Christmas! Yay, I got a bunch of NES games! Felt like I was a little kid! Haha

BubbleBobble wrote:
peppers wrote:
You have not been paying attention at all bubble.
well clearly I just signed up
don't flame the n00b plz
chill, I didn't mean anything by it, we are pretty mature here at nesdev (kinda, a lot of the users are emotionally stunted including me but we are nice or at least polite, a lot of the users are really knowledgeable too but I do not fall under that category)
my bad dude
but what I'm gathering is that we can make any kind of thread we want in this section as long as it's not suggestive or spam, right?
I'll re-read the rules for this forum
I'm on so many, lol
Yeah, you can make any kind of thread in this forum, pretty much. As long as it has some relevance to -the users- on NESdev, and isn't spam. There are some things that are best not to make threads about though, like personal problems, political issues, religion, etc. These pretty much stir up trouble, as I think in terms of what we all do outside of NESdev, we don't all think alike. Also, we are from all around the world, so political stuff might result in people attacking other people's countries and what not. So it's best to stay kind of in the video game area. Basically ask yourself this when creating a thread: "Would someone ask, 'why was this thread created on NESdev?'" If the answer is no, then you probably can feel safe creating it. If the answer is yes, then you probably should reconsider creating it. It should have some business being on this site.
I appreciate the tip!
I will probably refrain from making threads until I get more used to the board
Super-Hampster wrote:
Merry Christmas
Bah, humbug!
WedNESday wrote:
Super-Hampster wrote:
Merry Christmas
Bah, humbug!

Merry Christmas, a little bit late though (busy these days)! I will prepare myself and say happy new year right way then

Banshaku wrote:
Merry Christmas, a little bit late though (busy these days)! I will prepare myself and say happy new year right way then ;)
heh. same here.. merry christmas and a happy new year :)
Ha, luckily for my family we all open presents on New Years!