lidnariq wrote:
There are two different things:
1- PPU A13 alternates 43 times per scanline. (42 on the scanline with the 2C02's missing dot)
2- PPU A13 stays high for four successive reads right around the end/beginning of each scanline.
You can see both on shows up because there are 43 NT/AT fetches, 42 tile data fetches, and 1 idle pixel on each scanline
2- shows up because columns 337, 339, 1, and 3 are all NT/AT fetches.
I found this MMC3 verilog sourcecode:
// This mapper also handles mapper 119 and 47.
module MMC3(input clk, input ce, input reset,
input [31:0] flags,
input [15:0] prg_ain, output [21:0] prg_aout,
input prg_read, prg_write, // Read / write signals
input [7:0] prg_din,
output prg_allow, // Enable access to memory for the specified operation.
input [13:0] chr_ain, output [21:0] chr_aout,
output chr_allow, // Allow write
output vram_a10, // Value for A10 address line
output vram_ce, // True if the address should be routed to the internal 2kB VRAM.
output reg irq);
reg [2:0] bank_select; // Register to write to next
reg prg_rom_bank_mode; // Mode for PRG banking
reg chr_a12_invert; // Mode for CHR banking
reg mirroring; // 0 = vertical, 1 = horizontal
reg irq_enable, irq_reload; // IRQ enabled, and IRQ reload requested
reg [7:0] irq_latch, counter; // IRQ latch value and current counter
reg ram_enable, ram_protect; // RAM protection bits
reg [6:0] chr_bank_0, chr_bank_1; // Selected CHR banks
reg [7:0] chr_bank_2, chr_bank_3, chr_bank_4, chr_bank_5;
reg [5:0] prg_bank_0, prg_bank_1; // Selected PRG banks
wire prg_is_ram;
// The alternative behavior has slightly different IRQ counter semantics.
wire mmc3_alt_behavior = 0;
// TQROM maps 8kB CHR RAM
wire TQROM = (flags[7:0] == 119);
wire TxSROM = (flags[7:0] == 118); // Connects CHR A17 to CIRAM A10
// Mapper 47 is a multicart that has 128k for each game. It has no RAM.
wire mapper47 = (flags[7:0] == 47);
reg mapper47_multicart;
wire [7:0] new_counter = (counter == 0 || irq_reload) ? irq_latch : counter - 1;
reg [3:0] a12_ctr;
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset) //初始化
irq <= 0;
bank_select <= 0;
prg_rom_bank_mode <= 0;
chr_a12_invert <= 0;
mirroring <= 0;
{irq_enable, irq_reload} <= 0;
{irq_latch, counter} <= 0;
{ram_enable, ram_protect} <= 0;
{chr_bank_0, chr_bank_1} <= 0;
{chr_bank_2, chr_bank_3, chr_bank_4, chr_bank_5} <= 0;
{prg_bank_0, prg_bank_1} <= 0;
a12_ctr <= 0;
else if (ce)
if (prg_write && prg_ain[15])//W 8000-FFFF
case({prg_ain[14], prg_ain[13], prg_ain[0]})
3'b00_0: {chr_a12_invert, prg_rom_bank_mode, bank_select} <= {prg_din[7], prg_din[6], prg_din[2:0]}; // Bank select ($8000-$9FFE, even)
begin // Bank data ($8001-$9FFF, odd)
case (bank_select)
0: chr_bank_0 <= prg_din[7:1]; // Select 2 KB CHR bank at PPU $0000-$07FF (or $1000-$17FF);
1: chr_bank_1 <= prg_din[7:1]; // Select 2 KB CHR bank at PPU $0800-$0FFF (or $1800-$1FFF);
2: chr_bank_2 <= prg_din; // Select 1 KB CHR bank at PPU $1000-$13FF (or $0000-$03FF);
3: chr_bank_3 <= prg_din; // Select 1 KB CHR bank at PPU $1400-$17FF (or $0400-$07FF);
4: chr_bank_4 <= prg_din; // Select 1 KB CHR bank at PPU $1800-$1BFF (or $0800-$0BFF);
5: chr_bank_5 <= prg_din; // Select 1 KB CHR bank at PPU $1C00-$1FFF (or $0C00-$0FFF);
6: prg_bank_0 <= prg_din[5:0]; // Select 8 KB PRG ROM bank at $8000-$9FFF (or $C000-$DFFF);
7: prg_bank_1 <= prg_din[5:0]; // Select 8 KB PRG ROM bank at $A000-$BFFF
3'b01_0: mirroring <= prg_din[0]; // Mirroring ($A000-$BFFE, even)
3'b01_1: {ram_enable, ram_protect} <= prg_din[7:6]; // PRG RAM protect ($A001-$BFFF, odd)
3'b10_0: irq_latch <= prg_din; // IRQ latch ($C000-$DFFE, even)
3'b10_1: irq_reload <= 1; // IRQ reload ($C001-$DFFF, odd)
3'b11_0: begin irq_enable <= 0; irq <= 0; end // IRQ disable ($E000-$FFFE, even)
3'b11_1: irq_enable <= 1; // IRQ enable ($E001-$FFFF, odd)
// For Mapper 47
// $6000-7FFF: [.... ...B] Block select
if (prg_write && prg_is_ram)
mapper47_multicart <= prg_din[0];
// Trigger IRQ counter on rising edge of chr_ain[12]
// All MMC3A's and non-Sharp MMC3B's will generate only a single IRQ when $C000 is $00.
// This is because this version of the MMC3 generates IRQs when the scanline counter is decremented to 0.
// In addition, writing to $C001 with $C000 still at $00 will result in another single IRQ being generated.
// In the community, this is known as the "alternate" or "old" behavior.
// All MMC3C's and Sharp MMC3B's will generate an IRQ on each scanline while $C000 is $00.
// This is because this version of the MMC3 generates IRQs when the scanline counter is equal to 0.
// In the community, this is known as the "normal" or "new" behavior.
if (chr_ain[12] && a12_ctr == 0)
counter <= new_counter;
if ( (!mmc3_alt_behavior || counter != 0 || irq_reload) && new_counter == 0 && irq_enable)
irq <= 1;
irq_reload <= 0;
a12_ctr <= chr_ain[12] ? 4'b1111 : (a12_ctr != 0) ? a12_ctr - 4'b0001 : a12_ctr;
// The PRG bank to load. Each increment here is 8kb. So valid values are 0..63.
reg [5:0] prgsel;
always @* begin
casez({prg_ain[14:13], prg_rom_bank_mode})
3'b00_0: prgsel = prg_bank_0; // $8000 mode 0
3'b00_1: prgsel = 6'b111110; // $8000 fixed to second last bank
3'b01_?: prgsel = prg_bank_1; // $A000 mode 0,1
3'b10_0: prgsel = 6'b111110; // $C000 fixed to second last bank
3'b10_1: prgsel = prg_bank_0; // $C000 mode 1
3'b11_?: prgsel = 6'b111111; // $E000 fixed to last bank
// mapper47 is limited to 128k PRG, the top bits are controlled by mapper47_multicart instead.
if (mapper47) prgsel[5:4] = {1'b0, mapper47_multicart};
// The CHR bank to load. Each increment here is 1kb. So valid values are 0..255.
reg [7:0] chrsel;
always @* begin
casez({chr_ain[12] ^ chr_a12_invert, chr_ain[11], chr_ain[10]})
3'b00?: chrsel = {chr_bank_0, chr_ain[10]};
3'b01?: chrsel = {chr_bank_1, chr_ain[10]};
3'b100: chrsel = chr_bank_2;
3'b101: chrsel = chr_bank_3;
3'b110: chrsel = chr_bank_4;
3'b111: chrsel = chr_bank_5;
// mapper47 is limited to 128k CHR, the top bit is controlled by mapper47_multicart instead.
if (mapper47) chrsel[7] = mapper47_multicart;
wire [21:0] prg_aout_tmp = {3'b00_0, prgsel, prg_ain[12:0]};
assign {chr_allow, chr_aout} =
(TQROM && chrsel[6]) ? {1'b1, 9'b11_1111_111, chrsel[2:0], chr_ain[9:0]} : // TQROM 8kb CHR-RAM
{flags[15], 4'b10_00, chrsel, chr_ain[9:0]}; // Standard MMC3
assign prg_is_ram = prg_ain >= 'h6000 && prg_ain < 'h8000 && ram_enable && !(ram_protect && prg_write);
assign prg_allow = prg_ain[15] && !prg_write || prg_is_ram && !mapper47;
wire [21:0] prg_ram = {9'b11_1100_000, prg_ain[12:0]};
assign prg_aout = prg_is_ram && !mapper47 ? prg_ram : prg_aout_tmp;
assign vram_a10 = (TxSROM == 0) ? (mirroring ? chr_ain[11] : chr_ain[10]) :
assign vram_ce = chr_ain[13];