Is this worth trying to fix?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Is this worth trying to fix?
by on (#189023)
For a good amount of time I wish to have a front loader NES.
Now I just could get two "dead" and "canibalisated" boards.
A good isopropylic bath probably could clean most of the dirty/oxydation, I presume...
I think I can get parts from China and from other boards (almost sure clones).
So how hard would be to put one of these boards to work, if ever possible?
Any suggestions are welcome!
Thanks in advance.
Re: Is this worth trying to fix?
by on (#189037)
It probably couldn't get any worse.
Re: Is this worth trying to fix?
by on (#189045)
Ouch... The trouble of fixing something in this state is probably worth much more than what it'd cost you to buy a working NES. I wouldn't bother.
Re: Is this worth trying to fix?
by on (#189049)
I would, for the adventure.
Re: Is this worth trying to fix?
by on (#189050)
I'd be skeptical of being able to find replacement CPU+PPU pairs for less than the cost of a new board, unfortunately.
Re: Is this worth trying to fix?
by on (#189057)
Any reason you don't have the main CPU?
Re: Is this worth trying to fix?
by on (#189059)
DementedPurple wrote:
Any reason you don't have the main CPU?

In that state, it seems like the person who owned it deemed it was not worthy for restoration and decided to cannibalize it. The CPU/PPU are the most valuable parts on a NES console, obviously. And I am sure they were perfectly fine even after this disaster...
Re: Is this worth trying to fix?
by on (#189064)
I just picked up a board in this condition at a flea market for $2.50. A little scrubbing, and it actually works completely okay. Without the CPU though, it may not be worth it.

I've got some extra boards, CPUs, and PPUs if you need any.
Re: Is this worth trying to fix?
by on (#189333)
Thanks for the advice guys!
Sorry for the big delay in answering this, but this week was _very_ crazy and busy to me :wink:

@mikejmoffitt: I'll PM you later to ask the details, but I don't have high hopes for this, since the postal service here even lost a board a guy sent me from Chile and I've read a lot of "horror stories" about missing packages and very high taxing an shipping costs her in my country. :cry:

Well, I saw Byuu lost a package, and a very valuable one! I lost an old pirate board with almost no value and became very sad, in his place I would be totally insane!!