MMC5 on TTL components

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#205765)
MMC5 on TTL components

I wanted to started this thread almost year ago, but I did not have enough patience to it. Now it's high time to come back to this topic as the cartridges that are subject of it are in my hands.

Most popular ASIC mappers have been replicated using discrete chips with more or less effort in pirate cartridges (bootlegs). Sometimes not all functionality has been replicated or game had to been modified.
For example:
MMC2: ... 30#p186157

About year ago my friend shown me photos of MMC5 bootleg game - Sangokushi 2. It contained a lot of chips and 3 PALs. I reverse engineered the schematics and the friend tried to dump those pals using my advices. Unfortunately 1 of them had internal memory (output with feedback) and the friend was dumping it using regular programmer with pal connected as a memory - all I could do was just to suggest rearranging address lines for different dumping results. That did not lead to the solution so I was looking a year ago for this cart to become in my hands. Meanwhile this friend shown me another 2 bootleg MMC5 games: L'emperaur and Suikoden. While L`Emperaur has almost identical PCB to the Sangokushi 2 (with the exception that Sangokushi 2 has 256K DIP32 CHR-ROM and L`Emperaur has 128K DIP28), Suikoden has muchdifferent one.

Now I have both L`emperaur and Suikoden in my hands and I can finish the rev-eng process of them and creating description of mapper they use. It is not fully MMC5 - register addresses are different but some primary functionality (EX-RAM, fill-mode nametable) are present.

CHR is identical to the original release, PRG has some minor changes, for example: (:D)

I am really proud of examining those non-combinatorial outputs of PALs. For every non-combinatorial output there is one latch (which latches value at certain condition). Latched value is available at one of the unwired output. So the non-combinatorial output can be thought as a combinatorial function of other inputs and those latched values.

I don't know yet what PPU is doing every its clock cycle and this knowledge is crucial to understand how thee fill-mode works.
Here are photos and schematic:
Image Image Image Image

Here are PAL details and mapper description I did so far

ADR_!CPU!/PPU <= '0' when EXMODE='0' and CPU-R/!W!='0' and CPU-A10='1' and CPU-A12='1' and CPU-A13='0' and CPU-A14='1' and CPU-!ROMSEL!='1' and M2='1' else --cpu write at $5400-$5fff
                 '0' when EXMODE='1' else

RAMA_CS = (!REG.2);
RAMA_CS <= not REG.2;

PRG-A15 = (CPU-A13&CPU-A14) | (REG.2);
PRG-A15 <= (CPU-A13 and CPU-A14) or (REG.2);

$E000-$FFFF = (CPU-A13&CPU-A14);
$E000-$FFFF <= '1' when CPU-A13='1' and CPU-A14='1' else '0'

PRG-!CE! = (!REG.7&!CPU-A14) | (CPU-!ROMSEL!);
PRG-!CE! <= '1' when REG.7='0' and CPU-A14='0' else CPU-!ROMSEL!;

RAM_!CS! = (!CPU-A13&CPU-!ROMSEL!) | (REG.7&!CPU-!ROMSEL!) | (CPU-!ROMSEL!&!M2) | (CPU-A14&!CPU-!ROMSEL!) | (!CPU-A14&CPU-!ROMSEL!);
RAM_!CS! <= '0' when CPU-A13='1' AND CPU-A14='1' AND CPU-!ROMSEL='1' AND M2='1' else
            '0' when REG.7='0' AND CPU-A14='0' and CPU-!ROMSEL!='0' else
 REG.7 | CPU-A13 | CPU-A14 | CPU-!ROMSEL! | M2 || RAM_!CS!  |
     0 |       0 |       0 |            0 |  0 ||        0  | <--- 8000$-$bfff and REG.7=0
     0 |       0 |       0 |            0 |  1 ||        0  | <--- 8000$-$bfff and REG.7=0
     0 |       1 |       0 |            0 |  0 ||        0  | <--- 8000$-$bfff and REG.7=0
     0 |       1 |       0 |            0 |  1 ||        0  | <--- 8000$-$bfff and REG.7=0
     0 |       1 |       1 |            1 |  1 ||        0  | <-6000-$7fff
     1 |       1 |       1 |            1 |  1 ||        0  | <-6000-$7fff

!$4400-$4FFF! = (!M2) | (!CPU-!ROMSEL!) | (!CPU-A14) | (!CPU-A10) | (CPU-A12) | (CPU-A13);
!$4400-$4FFF! <= '0' when M2='1' and CPU-!ROMSEL!='1' and CPU-A14='1' and CPU-A10='1' and CPU-A12='0' and CPU-A13='0' else '1';

!$5400-$5FFF! = (!M2) | (!CPU-!ROMSEL!) | (!CPU-A14) | (!CPU-A12) | (!CPU-A10) | (CPU-A13);
!$5400-$5FFF! <= '0' when M2='1' and CPU-!ROMSEL!='1' and CPU-A14='1' and CPU_A12='1' and CPU-A10='1' and CPU=A13=0 else '1';


O0 = (!I8);
O0 <= not I8; --but it is unwired

O1 = (I11); --so O1 acts as an input but seems to not have influence to any output)

EX-D5 = (PA12L & PPU-!RD! & !PPU-A13);
EX-D5 <= '1' when PA12L='1' and PPU-!RD!='1' and PPU-A13='0' else '0'
!PPU_FILL! = (!PPU-A13) | (!PPU-A6) | (!PPU-A7) | (!PPU-A8) | (!PPU-A9) | (PPU-!RD!);
!PPU_FILL! <= (not PPU-A13) or (not PPU-A6) or (not PPU-A7) or (not PPU-A8) or (not PPU-A9) or (PPU-!RD!);

CIRAM-!CS! = (PPU-A9 & PPU-A8 & PPU-A7 & PPU-A6 & !PPU-!RD!) | (!PPU-A13);
CIRAM-!CS! <= (PPU-A9 and PPU-A8 and PPU-A7 and PPU-A6 and !PPU-!RD!) or (not PPU-A13);

CHR-!CE! = (PPU-!RD!) | (PPU-A13);
CHR-!CE! <= (PPU-!RD!) or (PPU-A13);

!CHR_CLR! = (PPU-A12) | (PPU-A13);
!CHR_CLR! <= (PPU-A12) or (PPU-A13);

CHR_CLK <= (PPU-!RD! and PPU-A13);

EX-!WE! = (EX-R/!W/) | (CPU-R/!W!);
EX-!WE! <= (EX-R/!W/) or (CPU-R/!W!);

CIRAM-A10 = Non-combinatorial
O2 = Non-combinatorial
O3 = Non-combinatorial
O4 = Non-combinatorial
EX-!OE! = Non-combinatorial
EXMODE = Non-combinatorial

O2 <= D0 when CPU-A5='1' and CPU-A4='0' and CPU-A11='1' and CPU-R/!W!='0' and !$4400-$4FFF!='0'; //latch

O3 <= D2 when CPU-A5='1' and CPU-A4='0' and CPU-A11='1' and CPU-R/!W!='0' and !$4400-$4FFF!='0'; //latch

O4 <= D0 when CPU-A5='1' and CPU-A4='1' and CPU-A11='1' and CPU-R/!W!='0' and !$4400-$4FFF!='0'; //latch

EXMODE <= D1 when CPU-A5='1' and CPU-A4='1'  and CPU-A11='1' and CPU-R/!W!='0' and !$4400-$4FFF!='0'; //latch

EX-!OE! <= not (EXMODE or O4)

CIRAM-A10 <= '0' when O3='0' and O2='0' else
            not PPU-A10 when O3='0' and O2='1' else
            PPU-A10 when O3='1' and O2='0' else

!WR_$4C00! = (!CPU-A11) | (!$4400-$4FFF!) | (CPU-R/!W!) | (CPU-A5) | (CPU-A4);  !WR_$4C00! , mask: $FC30
!WR_$4C00! <= (not CPU-A11) or (!$4400-$4FFF!) or (CPU-R/!W!) or (CPU-A5) or (CPU-A4);  !WR_$4C00! , mask: $FC30

Those latched regs summary:
$4c00 .... .... (no effect?)
$4c10 .... .... (no effect?)
$4c20 .... .m.m
         | |
         +++-- mirroring (source of CIR10): 0: GND, 1: not PA10, 2: PA10, 3: VCC

$4c30 ....
          ++-- value of EX-!OE! to be latched (enable reading from EX-ram: 0=disable=VCC, 1..3:enable=GND)
          +--- value of EXMODE to be latched

Hardware: 256K PRG-ROM
          8KB  PRG-RAM battery backed (6264A)
        8KB  PRG-RAM not backed (6264B)
        64KB CHR-ROM
        1KB  EX-RAM (can be used by CPU & PPU)

* Data bit 5 of EX-RAM is not wired to anything        

CPU memory map:
$4400-$47ff: registers
$4c00-$4fff: registers (mirror)

PPU memory map:
$0000-$0fff: 4KB CHR-ROM bank
$1000-$1fff: 4KB CHR-ROM bank
0b1xxx1111xxxxxx: fill mode

$5400-$57ff: EXRAM
$5c00-$5fff: EXRAM (mirror)
$6000-$7fff: RAM (controlled by $4c03)
$8000-$9fff: ROM or RAM (controlled by $4c00)
$a000-$bfff: ROM or RAM (controlled by $4c01)
$c000-$dfff: ROM (controlled by $4c02)
$e000-$ffff: ROM (hardwired to last bank)

[r..p pppp] $4c00 (mask: $fc33)
 |  | ||||
 |  +-++++- select 8kB ROM bank at $8000-$9fff (ignored when RAM is selected)
 |     +--- select RAM chip 0=6264A, 1=6264B   (ignored when ROM is selected)
 +--------- 0: select RAM, 1:select ROM

[r..p pppp] $4c01 (mask: $fc33)
 |  | ||||
 |  +-++++- select 8kB ROM bank at $a000-$bfff (ignored when RAM is selected)
 |     +--- select RAM chip 0=6264A, 1=6264B   (ignored when ROM is selected)
 +--------- 0: select RAM, 1:select ROM

[...p pppp] $4c02 (mask: $fc33)
    | ||||
    +-++++- select 8kB ROM bank at $c000-$dfff

[.... .p..] $4c03 (mask: $fc33)
       +--- select RAM chip for $6000-$7fff: 0=6264A, 1=6264B
[.... .m.m] $4c20 (mask: $fc30)
       | |
       +++-- Mirroring - source of CIRAM-A10: 0=GND, 1=not PA10, 2=PA10, 3=VCC

[....] $4c30 (mask: $fc30)
        ++-- controls EX-RAM !OE line (0:disable, 1..3:enable)
        +--- controls what is connected to EX-RAM address bus,!WE and !CS:
           0=CPU bus when CPU writes at $5400-$57ff/$5c00-$5fff, otherwise PPU bus)
          1=always CPU bus
EX-RAM behaviour:
CPU has two windows ($5400-$57ff and $5c00-$5fff) to read/write to EX-RAM memory.
The behaviour of EX-RAM depends of how $4c30 bits are set.
CPU can always write to EX RAM (and those write cycles have priority over any other EXRAM activity)

0: reading from EXRAM (by CPU/PPU) returns open bus; CPU can write to EX-RAM.
1: reading EXRAM by CPU returns open bus; CPU can write to EX-RAM; PPU can read EX-RAM
2-3: CPU can read & write to EX-RAM, PPU cannot read from it.

EX-RAM behaviour:
CPU has two windows ($5400-$57ff and $5c00-$5fff) to read/write to EX-RAM memory.
The behaviour of EX-RAM depends of how $4c30 bits are set.
CPU can always write to EX RAM (and those write cycles have priority over any other EXRAM activity)

0: reading from EXRAM (by CPU/PPU) returns open bus; CPU can write to EX-RAM.
1: reading EXRAM by CPU returns open bus; CPU can write to EX-RAM; PPU can read EX-RAM
2-3: CPU can read & write to EX-RAM, PPU cannot read from it.
Re: MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#205783)
I'm amazed that the pirates ever attempted to tackle something as complex as MMC5, although as you say they only implemented only as much of the functionality (no three screen mirroring, split screen or audio) as the games in question needed.
Re: MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#205804)
I'm amazed of how much work pirates had to copy these!!
Would this really be worth the price back in the day?
Re: MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#205822)
Indeed, the Koei games had a somewhat narrow appeal. Is this simply Pirate Pride on display? (As in we can replicate anything you can make, no matter how advanced!)
Re: MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#205856)
Thanks for krzysiobal for highlighting everything in this topic. Awesome work man!

Here are all pirated MMC5 cartridges that I've managed to get my hands on along with PCB closeups:


First Sangokushi 2 (CH-015)
>> ... -2_big.jpg

Second Sangokushi 2 (CH-015)
>> ... _front.jpg

L'Empereur (CH-028)

and Suikoden: Tenmei no Chikai (CH-007)

Many years ago I've seen some Taiwanese auction with Uchuu Keibitai SDF pirate, but back then it was completely out of reach for me.
Re: MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#205881)
To be honnest, I'm surprised there's any audiance for pirated versions of those games, considering they are difficulty accessible games - i.e. they have a high learning curve. I would find a pirated Castelvania 3 much less surprising.

And the idea to do a MMC5 with TTL is insane, but I guess this is "just" a subset of its features, also the ROMs were likely hacked so if I understood it well the registers are different.

Also the game is Bandit Kings of Ancient China (japanese Suikoden: Tenmei no Chikai), which is compeltely unrelated to the game Suikoden which is the PS1 game where my current avatar is from.

Are those pirated games in English or Japanese ? I do not see how the Japanese version of those games would be playable by non-japanese speakers. (As opposed to simpler platform games), and I do not think pirated games were common in Japan. Or could the Chinese understand the game thanks to the kanjis?
Re: MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#205886)
I'm not surprised, Suikoden is a traditional tale famous in all of Asia. And fans of those genres would be all over those games anyhow.

I think the Japanese versions of those games uses quite a lot of kanji (in a nice big font so complicated kanji can be displayed) for a Famicom game, but still not that much so I'm not sure how much a Chinese person can follow. I bet they are translated to Chinese?
Re: MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#205888)
Many years ago I've seen some Taiwanese auction with Uchuu Keibitai SDF pirate, but back then it was completely out of reach for me.

So we must start looking for it because:
Uchuu Keibitai SDF is the only known game to use split screen mode (during the intro, where it shows ship stats).
Re: MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#205940)
Pokun wrote:
I bet they are translated to Chinese?

It is possible, well, at least in some way, because CHR portion of data has been changed vastly when compared with Japanese version, but I'm not sure since at first glance everything looks intact:


Here are the all files I have from my friend dic-sc7 who dumped it, so feel free to knock yourself out :beer:
Re: MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#205951)
It's Japanese in that picture at least. An 16x16 font for kanji and an 8x8 font for kana.
Re: MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#214553)
Yet another pirate Suikoden came in my possession this week.


This one differs from the previous cartridges only in some minor details.
I'm sending it to krzysiobal for another inspection and dump.

Hi-res scans of Suikoden: Tenmei no Chikai (CH-007)
>> ... -front.jpg
>> ... t-back.jpg
>> ... -front.jpg
>> ... b-back.jpg

and here is quick run where you can see that except of missing copyrights everything else is intact >>
Re: MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#214560)
this rom I dumped.but not emu.
Re: MMC5 on TTL components
by on (#215114)
MWK wrote:
Pokun wrote:
I bet they are translated to Chinese?

It is possible, well, at least in some way, because CHR portion of data has been changed vastly when compared with Japanese version, but I'm not sure since at first glance everything looks intact:


Here are the all files I have from my friend dic-sc7 who dumped it, so feel free to knock yourself out :beer:

Suikoden: Tenmei no Chikai PRG is bad dump.
Sango 2 is bad dump.