Famicom Disk System Writeable mod

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Famicom Disk System Writeable mod
by on (#51139)

I've just recived my fds, i replaced the belt and i see a
"ic 7201"

I read thats that the first version of the fds, but when i started
The diagnose it shows me "Dev.no.2"

So my question is, what must i do to get i writeable?

I want tk built an fdsloader cabel and work with fdsloader, is that possible?


by on (#52139)
Yes, it is much easier to do with a 7201, as you probably already know. There is a simple mod you can do to the power board that will allow FDSLoader cables to work. It is explained in the Backup Technique article posted on the front page of nesdev. However, for an English translation I have one of those available. Just send a PM.


by on (#52151)
Has anyone besides the author of FDS Loader ever actually written a disk with it? I seem to recall reading that other people couldn't get it to work and the only method that seemed to work was with a MGD1.

by on (#52339)
MottZilla wrote:
Has anyone besides the author of FDS Loader ever actually written a disk with it? I seem to recall reading that other people couldn't get it to work and the only method that seemed to work was with a MGD1.

No one but the author has written a disk with it. His write mod was slightly different than "standard" (whatever that means), as it was a mod he figured out and designed himself. From what I understand, it was pretty similar to the write mod in the Backup Technique article, but slightly different. I don't know in exactly what ways, but I'd love to get the schematic for his mod.

There is one way you can *sort of* get FDSLoader to write, but it's more like you load an image to the RAM adapter (or use the disk of) any of those disk writer utilities, then command it to copy a disk and load the image from FDS Loader you want to copy (or unplug the FDS Loader cable from the RAM adapter and plug it in the disk drive if copying a real disk), then then load an image to the RAM adapter of the disk you want to copy then using a separate PC with FDS Loader dump the image using the other FDS Loader cable (or maybe you can switch cables and use the same PC by restarting FDS Loader, I forget...I'm a little hazy right now). Of course, that's cheating, but hell, at least disks can be written using just images and FDSLoader.

I may be remembering the technique wrong because I'm a bit hung over, lol, but it's pretty simple if you FDS Loader, the write mod, and utility disks or images. I prefer to use Copy Master in combination with a TGD6. Of course, it's simpler if you just write a disk of a write utility first rather than just use images alone.

If you decide to write to an image (dump a disk), make sure you use a blank image to get a clean dump. I have blank 64k and 128k images if anyone needs them and doesn't feel like making them in a hex editor.
