

The final board layout has three more chips for the game select circuit. The SRAM chip is large enough to keep saves for the 4 game slots. The pictured chip behind the workram is a 74LS32 used to OR the write and output enable pins for the 62256 chip (to make it behave same as an 6264 chip) so I can have 4 8KB banks. Akumajou Densetsu does not care if WRAM is present or not so it just works...) SRAM banks swap along with ROM banks so each game saves on it's own slot. At the time the picture was made I was using an 3 position pole switch to select the game but I thought it would be a SHAME to drill the beautiful Madara cartridge and that made me put more chips in for the game select circuit.
The three existing VRC-VI games cycle in the following order when reset is pressed:
Moryou Senki Madara (original game for that board)
Esper Dream 2
Akumajou Densetsu
(an 512KB unused bank is left empty unfortunately and the counter is programmed to skip this bank)
The games are translated to english, Akumajou Densetsu had it's progam rom modified to become compatible with the mapper 26 (VRC6 V). Not a single copper track of the original board was cut or scratched, therefore the mod can be undone if I deem necessary. But honestly I doubt I'll ever do that. I am keeping the original mask roms in a safe place though.
And sorry about the AWFUL pictures from a cheap cell phone...


The final board layout has three more chips for the game select circuit. The SRAM chip is large enough to keep saves for the 4 game slots. The pictured chip behind the workram is a 74LS32 used to OR the write and output enable pins for the 62256 chip (to make it behave same as an 6264 chip) so I can have 4 8KB banks. Akumajou Densetsu does not care if WRAM is present or not so it just works...) SRAM banks swap along with ROM banks so each game saves on it's own slot. At the time the picture was made I was using an 3 position pole switch to select the game but I thought it would be a SHAME to drill the beautiful Madara cartridge and that made me put more chips in for the game select circuit.
The three existing VRC-VI games cycle in the following order when reset is pressed:
Moryou Senki Madara (original game for that board)
Esper Dream 2
Akumajou Densetsu
(an 512KB unused bank is left empty unfortunately and the counter is programmed to skip this bank)
The games are translated to english, Akumajou Densetsu had it's progam rom modified to become compatible with the mapper 26 (VRC6 V). Not a single copper track of the original board was cut or scratched, therefore the mod can be undone if I deem necessary. But honestly I doubt I'll ever do that. I am keeping the original mask roms in a safe place though.

And sorry about the AWFUL pictures from a cheap cell phone...