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NES power and Mario Lag pin swapped, now having problems

Sep 2, 2012 at 8:17:14 PM
Ninjakooopa (7)
(Matthew V.) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 380 - Joined: 08/05/2010
Hey guys,

So i had this NES I pin swapped, and now its hard to even power it on, but when i did finally find an outlit that would give it power, games lag.

Like SMB 1 world 1-1, It slows down, and mario even doesnt move at times. I dont think its the controller because its not like mario just stops. It's a total slow down, and then it goes back to normal, then slows again. Same thing with other games.

Did I mess up the pin swap somehow? I've been doing them for years and never had a problem like this.

Turtle squad, GO!