@ table
Nice to see another time-sink of a sports game off the list. I really don't mind Clemens MVP too much, as it plays pretty close to the really good baseball games like Baseball Stars or RBI Baseball. It's just a bit of a slog because of how long the game is. I hope it can still be a 10 pointer next year, for the amount of commitment it requires to see it to the end.
@ Doyce
Are you still going to play some KOEI games this year? I know you mentioned possibly starting the Nobunaga's Ambitions.
If a few players crank it up, I still think we can finish the list this year. Some of the really hard ones are still on the list (Championship Pool, Mutant Virus), but most of the most notoriously long-and-tedious ones are already gone! On that front, we seem to be down to the first Bases Loaded and a few of the obscure RPGs. We may especially need an ace shooter, though, given how many of those are still on the list.
Two-time "Beat Every NES Game" Champion (2014, 2018)
(Why isn't there an Award for this?)
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2019?