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Is my game real or a fake? How to verify a game by the board. If you are not sure if its real or not, please read this before making a new topic.

Jun 13, 2018 at 11:07:56 AM
Lincoln (138)
(Frank W. Doom) < Bowser >
Posts: 5976 - Joined: 12/19/2008
You have to open it to be 100% but that's risky with famicom carts. I haven't gotten around to trying it but weighing it and comparing to other known good carts with the same pcb should be a good indicator. Eproms make a cart heavier and modern counterfeits use smaller boards and lighter flash chips.yours looks pretty legit though so I wouldn't worry too much if you can't do any other checks right now.

ebay auctionsrunning FS thread famiROM thread for .nes info and splitting / rom hacks link/discussion