Originally posted by: mbd39
Is there a trick to consistently surviving the jumping Trogs? For me the difficulty spikes at around stage 15 and I know that I'm going to keep dying at that point. I don't know how people are getting so far.
Stay well and far away from them. Prioritize staying away over even progress if you're having trouble. If you're near one, they have a high chance of jumping a space or two toward you, and a short jump is fast and deadly. Far jumps are easy to avoid.
On top of that, when they DO land near you, go onto the spot they landed (if no other danger is nearby), as they cannot jump back onto the same spot, and one won't jump to where another is already, so it's as safe a space as safe gets.
Also if you JUST wanna complete the game and aren't going for low score (probably still a guaranteed top 8), go ahead and grab them pineapples broheem.