Hello everyone and welcome to the latest installment of the Weekly Contests! Hello everyone and welcome to the latest installment of the Weekly Contests! This week you will be heading to one of the deepest, darkest corners of the galaxy to stop the ravenous, galaxy-eating creature known as Zelos. This guy has been munching on galaxies for millenia and he makes Galactus's appetite look pathetic. My name is Bimmy Adama, famed captain of the Battlestar Bimmion, and I'm here to recruit you all to stop Zelos at any cost. He has already devoured the Phenom Galaxy, home to creatures that resemble the digestive tract of the human body and the Baltic Galaxy, a galaxy full of rocky worlds that are home to the fabled Guts Man and other stone-like species, such as Geodudes and Thwomps. He also ate the entire Promenadia Galaxy, known for their fiery worlds full of Fire Flowers. I hope that sick bastard gets a horrible case of heartburn for making the Fire Flower an endangered species! Zelos even went out of his way to eat the Ithaca Galaxy, home to vampiric beings and other bloodsucking creatures. Rumor has it there's a really good law school there for the extra annoying bloodthirsty lawyers. And lastly, and his most recent meal, was the planet Latis, home to numerous deserts, pyramids, sphinxes, and mummies that will make you want to be like The Bangles and Walk Like an Egyptian. The worst part about the whole thing is that Zelos is now heading for the Nintendaria Galaxy! That's right, if he consumes that galaxy, there will be no more Hyrule Bake-Offs, no more Team Bimmy vs. Team Abobo sporting match-ups, no more hot dogs, no more video game contests on NA, no more anything...period! If you die, then it's game over, man, game over! To help you in your quest, I am providing you all with my best ship, the Vic Viper. Trust me, you're getting a great ship. It can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs! So, what are you just sitting there waiting for? Stadium Events to become a common game? Jump in the cockpit of that Vic Viper, blast a hot, fiery load of justice down Zelos's throat, and then shoot your way right out of his poop chute to save the galaxy! Here's what you need to know to stop Zelos, the evil alien Life Force:
1 player only
Play until Life 0
Once you get to Life 0, you must stop playing and take your picture. You may not play any of the game on Life 0. Anyone suspected of playing the game on Life 0 will have their score disqualified.
You will be allowed to loop the game 3 times only. After you beat the game for the 3rd time, take your picture once the game starts over on the 4th loop. No playing on the 4th loop or beyond will be allowed. Anyone suspected of this will have their score disqualified.
Make sure to snap a picture of your score before heading into a boss battle. You cannot see your score while fighting a boss. If you think you may use up all your lives at a boss, preserve your score before going into a boss battle.
If you fail to destroy Zelos's heart (final boss of the game) on any of the loops, your run will end there and you will have to take your picture. Failure to destroy his heart results in having to replay stages 4-6, which could be done infinitely.
Point racking at the Gradius enemies in Stage 5 is forbidden.
Highest score wins
Participation: 50,000
GENRE: Shoot ‘Em Up
The contest ends Sunday, 3/12/17 at 11 PM NA time. Your user name MUST be written or typed on a piece of paper and be in the picture for your score to be valid. The entire TV screen, or computer monitor if you are playing on an emulator, MUST be in the picture for the score to be valid. No partial screenshots will be considered or accepted. No screenshots by hitting "print screen" on a computer will be allowed. You must take a picture of your computer monitor. There may be instances where this will be acceptable, but it will be at the discretion of myself and the contest organizers. Also, the use of turbo controllers is forbidden, as well as any cheat codes, Game Genies, slow motion functions, or save states if playing on an emulator. Also, we will only be using NTSC systems for the contests. The use of PAL systems will NOT be allowed. Good luck everyone and have fun
My NES collection count: 757 games (16 to go for a full set)
Latest Purchase(s): Snow Brothers
"Wait...Bimmy and Jimmy?? How'd they make a mistake like this!? Bimmy isn't even a real name!"
Beware the Bimmy Marsh!
Proud owner of post #2000, #2900, and #3800 in Inner Circle HQ thread