To be completely honest with you, I dont know how much it costs to manufacture a CIB NES game, Im sure here on Mexico would be a lot more expensive, thats for sure.
About the price, well, I think its fair, its just one guy doing all asembly and manufacturing needed for a small group of people, its not intended in any way as business, the profit he could make of it its kind of a payment for his time into all asembly costs and packaging, also its a really small run.
We as a team arent getting money at all, not a single dollar, we dont even have a paypal or patreon even if we have been asked about it.
The rom patch will be released on Oct 8, so you can play it for free, Im already waiting for reviews, ideas, curses, everything, its a project made from starters, just 1 of the guys on the team was really experienced, everyone else had never hacked or programed anything before.
Thanks for the support guys, and hope you enjoy the game.