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Real-time game-code sniffing possible (or at least feasible)? modern high-end FPGA clone consoles

Apr 17, 2017 at 11:43:46 PM
Brachabre (9)
(Weiner Tacos) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1622 - Joined: 03/31/2014
After watching this documentary and seeing this guy's control-input recorder (aka key-logger) had me wondering...  (17:45-20:45)

Is it possible to implement a code-sniffer that could be integrated into the FPGA (or on another chip) of the AVS/Analogue NT for purpose of tracking no-death runs and other more objective type challenges by listening to see if a piece of code is triggered that say represents player death? Think pimping out AVS' scoreboard by adding an achievement system/trophies.

I realize most people just capture/stream gameplay footage as proof for challenges, but someone still has to QA (watch) that footage you know? I know THAT IS much of the fun of gaming, but what about people that don't care about the glory (others watching you break records) and are more than happy to just have the credentials (trophies)?

Edit:  It looks like this is already happening! (although limited to emulation)

Edited: 04/18/2017 at 04:46 PM by Brachabre

Apr 18, 2017 at 4:17:27 AM
erac (0)

< Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 294 - Joined: 07/15/2016
Yes, but it's a lot of effort per game to identify where things happen.

Apr 18, 2017 at 4:23:47 AM
Memblers (3)
(Joey Parsell) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 246 - Joined: 05/12/2008
Well, anything is possible. Analyzing the memory in real-time could be difficult, if those systems were not designed with that feature in mind. If it's just one byte of memory that stands alone (such as score data), that should be fairly simple. If the meaning of the code/memory depends on the current contents of other code/memory, then things could get out of hand very quickly. Probably easier to do on a PC-based emulator where you're not racing against a system clock. In fact, to combine that with the reference to the key-logging idea, you could log the gameplay, then have the emulator play it back, and perform an infinite amount of analysis at it's own leisurely pace.

Technically feasible in general yes, on AVS or Analogue NT, I don't know. As for being practical, it would take a quite a lot of effort to create the achievements, find their conditions, and test them 100%.

I imagine the AVS scoreboard works pretty well because things like high score values in games should tend to be consistent. It doesn't need to be real-time because the game would write it and leave it alone. But if we look at say, the number of times the player has died by itself, then SMB's attract mode demo might be considered a no-death run unless the code analyzer has enough info about the context. This kind-of needs to be analyzed in real-time because the info you want may be something the game considers to be a temporary value depending on what's happening in the game at that exact moment.


Apr 18, 2017 at 4:18:19 PM
Brachabre (9)
(Weiner Tacos) < Lolo Lord >
Posts: 1622 - Joined: 03/31/2014
Thanks! Great info Memblers.