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Classic Home Video Games, 1972-1984 Now In Paperback!

Apr 8, 2012 at 4:17:21 AM
8bitgamer (1)
(Brett Weiss) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 276 - Joined: 07/20/2008
United States
My first book on video games is now available in soft cover for only $25 through Amazon:

Here's a review of the hardcover version of the book from noted film critic Kenneth Muir (reprinted from GameCulture Journal #4):

In 2008, it will be thirty years since the Atari VCS made the brand name Atari virtually synonymous with the term “video game.” With this cultural milestone on the horizon, it is the perfect time for author Brett Weiss to unleash this mammoth guide of home video games marketed in the heyday of the 2600.

Classic Home Video Games, 1972-1984 (2007; McFarland) includes detailed chapters on every game console released during this epoch. That’s sixteen systems in all; from Adventure Vision and the Atari 2600 to Telstar Arcade and Vectrex. The text also includes a thorough catalog of every cartridge released for each system, including ports of popular coin-operated arcade games. The appendices offer a useful and highly detailed glossary as well as a brief look at homebrew games.

In a personal and well-written preface, Weiss introduces the reader to the subject matter while pinpointing the historical context; the birth of video games in the seventies and the early Age of Reagan. The author discusses Surgeon General C. Everett Koop’s assertion in the eighties that video games were “hazardous” to the health of children. Weiss then proceeds to explain in convincing terms why this was a bum rap.

Weiss’s argument begins with a bit of industry background (especially regarding video game pioneers Ralph Baer and Nolan Bushnell), but ultimately it is the author’s sense of personal connection to the format that points to the inherent value of the games and consoles of the era.

Just as many film writers gaze upon the maligned format of the horror film as a healthy avenue of catharsis, Weiss convincingly suggests the same is true for the video games of the Golden Age. “Video games give players control of a closed, finite universe, governed by a specific set of rules, as opposed to actual life, where we often wing it as we go along,” he writes. “There’s rational, almost sympathetic logic to video games that reality lacks…Video games are no substitute for real world pleasures…but they do provide a nice reprieve from real world woes.”

In other words, Weiss finds order (and thus comfort) in the world of classic video games such as Space Invaders, Zaxxon, and Defender. He also notes the interactivity of the video game as an improvement over television, which he sees as a more passive experience. Perhaps the video game is indeed as close as we can get to playing God. Here, as Weiss suggests, we can re-boot existence if we make a mistake. Here, we control the fates of armies and spaceships, men and Pac-Men.

The Book’s sixteen game system entries follow the same easily-digestible format. The entries commence with a detailed description of the console/joysticks and usually feature a black-and-white photograph of a system in question. Then Weiss runs down a history of brand (for example, the Astrocade): when it was released; how many game cartridges were available; success or failure in the marketplace; and the limitations and strengths of the system as a vehicle for game play.

After a discussion of the console, Weiss launches into wide-ranging alphabetical surveys of every cartridge available for the system, noting publisher, developer, and year of release. Following this data is a paragraph-long critical assessment. There are hundreds of game reviews in the Atari 2600 section alone.

Weiss’s deep familiarity with his chosen subject matter is an asset of the text, and as a writer he conveys information clearly and without pretension. The author makes readers aware of games that became notorious in their day; whether for reasons good, bad or obscure. The Atari 2600’s misbegotten E.T. The Extra Terrestrial and port of Pac-Man are two of that console’s most notorious failures, for instance, and Weiss explains why this is so and how each Waterloo contributed to the “Video Game Crash” of 1984.

But Classic Home Video Games also delves deeper, and Weiss’s reviews of obscure games make the book a treasure. He remembers, for example, Spectravision’s 1983 Chase the Chuckwagon—an Atari 2600 game based on a Ralston Purina dog food commercial.

Individual game cartridges in Classic Home Video Games tend to stress playability. Weiss also spends much time comparing and contrasting port games with their coin-op antecedents, noting for instance, how the original, real-life Cold War/nuclear war context was removed for the Atari 2600 version of Missile Command, replaced with a remote science fiction setting on another planet.

If anything can be determined lacking this impressive and fun book, it’s only this: a clearly-defined set of aesthetics rigorously and objectively applied to each game. This isn’t a rap on Weiss or his work: the aesthetic criteria of video games have not been adequately codified given the relative youth of the form and the hesitancy on the part of some to consider video games an art form. That established, this book—though undeniably smart, historically valuable and wide-ranging in coverage, doesn’t pick up that gauntlet to a significant degree.

Still, the breadth of coverage here is astounding. The text’s organization (by game system, and alphabetically by cartridge) permits for quick, easy reference, and I was delighted to find included here games that I had only hazy memories of from my youth, such as the Atari 5200’s Astro Chase and a highly frustrating game called Beam Rider. I was also tantalized by the fact that there were Atari 2600 video game versions of horror movies such as Halloween and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre that I never even heard of, much less played. The latter allows a person to play as Leatherface! What I wouldn’t do to pop those game cartridges into my refurbished Atari 2600 today.

For those who lived through the Atari-Intellivision-ColecoVision-Vectrex “Golden Age,” Classic Home Video Games is a fun read and a nostalgic trip supreme. For those who arrived on the scene later, this book still fulfills an important purpose; charting the pre-history and trajectory of the video game boom, the opening chapter of a medium that continues on a blazing ascent.

Edited: 04/08/2012 at 04:17 AM by 8bitgamer

Apr 8, 2012 at 1:14:05 PM
gwyndion (322)
(Cookie Monster) < King Solomon >
Posts: 3247 - Joined: 04/01/2011
His books are awesome and extremely comprehensive. I would say this is the best one for North America. The best guide ever is the Nordic guide but it's in Swedish so for those of you in the USA and Canada, buy this book!!!


If anyone is LOOKING for certain repro/homebrews, I have a running repro company thread going as well as a lot of extras myself which include Limited Editions as well.  I'm also free to help answer questions and point people in the right direction so never hesitate to ask!  Here is the current list of repro companies.  Please let me know if I need to update it:

Apr 8, 2012 at 2:37:08 PM
Benihana (154)
(Don't Stop Believin!) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 9457 - Joined: 08/22/2009
Looks like the 2nd one is in paperback too?
I am going to buy them both from Amazon right now

My Biggest Fear is...She Sells my Games for the Amount I told her I paid for them. for LIFE!


Apr 8, 2012 at 2:39:51 PM
Elijah (161)
(John (JD) Heins) < Wiz's Mom >
Posts: 11424 - Joined: 08/09/2009
Is famicom covered?

Selling everything.
-------> *Click Here* <--------

God loves everyone

Apr 9, 2012 at 4:59:11 AM
Yelir (28)
(Riley Gallant) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1370 - Joined: 11/30/2011
Originally posted by: JD

Is famicom covered?
Try to find the books published for the Famicom in Japan, they are amazing!

Apr 10, 2012 at 10:15:59 AM
Sherlin (4)
(Andy S) < Tourian Tourist >
Posts: 46 - Joined: 02/08/2010
I'd love to have a book like this on consoles from NES up through the Saturn/Jaguar/3DO years.....


Apr 10, 2012 at 2:48:26 PM
buttheadrulesagain (20)
(Jorge Juarez) < King Solomon >
Posts: 4206 - Joined: 12/24/2009

Brett, do you plan to stop on 1988, or are you going to do 90's too?
EDIT: oops, I see that you have a 1989-1990 book. Are you going to continue the series further?


Edited: 04/10/2012 at 02:58 PM by buttheadrulesagain

Apr 15, 2012 at 5:56:15 AM
Benihana (154)
(Don't Stop Believin!) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 9457 - Joined: 08/22/2009
Just got them in the mail today. Did a quick glance read through for 3 hours. Very informative for specific games. Not a ton on info on the systems themselves, but enough to make sure you get the idea. I do feel that they are a little bias toward the NES (not that that is a bad thing at all). Also noticed that the Atari 7800 is covered in the first and 2nd book?
After reading the 2nd book, I am thinking I may need to get a Sega Master system...

My Biggest Fear is...She Sells my Games for the Amount I told her I paid for them. for LIFE!


Dec 4, 2012 at 2:31:04 PM
8bitgamer (1)
(Brett Weiss) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 276 - Joined: 07/20/2008
United States
Originally posted by: Benihana

Just got them in the mail today. Did a quick glance read through for 3 hours. Very informative for specific games. Not a ton on info on the systems themselves, but enough to make sure you get the idea. I do feel that they are a little bias toward the NES (not that that is a bad thing at all). Also noticed that the Atari 7800 is covered in the first and 2nd book?
After reading the 2nd book, I am thinking I may need to get a Sega Master system...

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply to this--thanks for reading!

I covered the 7800 in the first book to appease Atari fans, and since it was supposed to come out in 1984. When I wrote the second book, I updated the 7800 section with comparisons to NES and Master System games to make it fit better with the second book, and to give the customer more value.
Yeah, there are some great Master System games that make the system definitely worth owning. Just yesterday I played some two-player Rambo First Blood Part II with my son and had a blast.

Edited: 12/04/2012 at 02:36 PM by 8bitgamer

Dec 4, 2012 at 2:35:22 PM
8bitgamer (1)
(Brett Weiss) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 276 - Joined: 07/20/2008
United States
Originally posted by: buttheadrulesagain

Brett, do you plan to stop on 1988, or are you going to do 90's too?
EDIT: oops, I see that you have a 1989-1990 book. Are you going to continue the series further?

Right now I'm working on the SNES, CD-i, Jag, and 3DO book. Lots of research and gameplay here, so it will be at least a couple of years before this one comes out. Thanks for asking!

Dec 5, 2012 at 12:05:53 AM
Benihana (154)
(Don't Stop Believin!) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 9457 - Joined: 08/22/2009
Sweet, but when is the 89-90 coming out in soft cover. I have to have all three in soft cover. Can't stand mixing and matching hard and soft covers...

My Biggest Fear is...She Sells my Games for the Amount I told her I paid for them. for LIFE!


Dec 5, 2012 at 6:43:57 AM
8bitgamer (1)
(Brett Weiss) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 276 - Joined: 07/20/2008
United States
Originally posted by: Benihana

Sweet, but when is the 89-90 coming out in soft cover. I have to have all three in soft cover. Can't stand mixing and matching hard and soft covers...

I hear ya. It might be another year or two--not sure yet.

Dec 5, 2012 at 9:13:44 AM
8bitgamer (1)
(Brett Weiss) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 276 - Joined: 07/20/2008
United States
Originally posted by: JD

Is famicom covered?

Sorry, there wasn't room to cover Japanese releases. Plus, that's not my area of expertise. Thanks for asking, though.

Dec 5, 2012 at 7:49:12 PM
Benihana (154)
(Don't Stop Believin!) < Master Higgins >
Posts: 9457 - Joined: 08/22/2009
Originally posted by: 8bitgamer

Originally posted by: Benihana

Sweet, but when is the 89-90 coming out in soft cover. I have to have all three in soft cover. Can't stand mixing and matching hard and soft covers...

I hear ya. It might be another year or two--not sure yet.
Cool, make sure to let us know.

My Biggest Fear is...She Sells my Games for the Amount I told her I paid for them. for LIFE!


Dec 5, 2012 at 7:55:09 PM
Samhain (33)
(Trevor Fediuk) < El Ripper >
Posts: 1063 - Joined: 04/24/2012
Any hopes for a hard cover version?

Holes in my collection that need to be filled:
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Dec 6, 2012 at 4:33:07 AM
GizzyGames (21)
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(Philip ) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 465 - Joined: 05/23/2012
Could be interesting


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