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NES controller wont work help me troubleshoot why! please

Jun 4, 2014 at 12:10:52 AM
64BitMatthew (31)
(Matthew 64Bit) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 420 - Joined: 08/02/2013
Hey everyone. So I just bought another nes bundle, and it seems the controllers dont work.
Now, I think its the system, as I tried 2 seperate controllers, and neither worked. The system works great otherwise, and is in good shape.I checked the board, and there is nothing wrong with the wires that connect the controller ports to the boards, and nothing wrong with the board.
the only thing out of the norm that I can think of that may be causing the problem, is that the system came with a different power cord. The cord has an output of 9v, 1500ma. Which by my understanding should be ok, but maybe it isnt? Just trying to see if that could be the problem. I dont have an official nes powercord here (as Im mostly an N64 guy) so I cant test the theory. So that is why I have come to the might NA for help. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks!



Jun 4, 2014 at 12:56:12 PM
Lance (0)
(Lance ) < Eggplant Wizard >
Posts: 455 - Joined: 03/23/2013
Check the controller wires for any cuts or scrapes. If the wire is exposed, there's a good chance the connection has been broken. Have you looked at the controller boards inside the controller?

When you say you tested 2 separate controllers, you did try one that you originally had, didn't come with the bundle, and had previously known to be working, right?

I'm assuming you've tried different games of which you had known worked fine previously as well.

If nothing else, double check the NES controller board and ports.
