What's going on NintendoAge. Not too familiar with your site or forums yet but have heard about ya a few times through youtube so decided to check you guys out. I've got a YouTube channel if you want to see my collection a bit more or what I'm like.
damn, i was hoping this was a cute girl. oh well, welcome anyway!
Look, if you don't like the things that I post, don't PM me about it and don't start a war in a thread. Just FOE ME so you don't have to read my posts! That's why Dain put it there! Use it!!!
------------------------- Check out this really awesome WTB thread that I found, I heard this guy wants games at the cheapest rate possible! Now on the look out for Unlicensed NES!
Thanks for the nice welcome to NintendoAge. It seems I know a few people on here already. Lol at srh for thinking I was a cute female and thanks to Battymo(guy/girl?) for saying I'm cute anyways.